My 5 Why’s for my biggest concern

Χριστίνα Βασιλάκη
Dare to Challenge
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2021
From my ppt presentation

As a student in the department of “Communication, Media and Culture” of Panteion University, the very first assignment of “Social Issues, Social Innovation and Corporate Responsibility” course, had me thinking a lot more that i expected…

From my ppt presentation

I have always been worried about Poverty. So, choosing an issue that i deeply care about and that i have an interest to contribute to its solution did not seem that hard. Soon enough, when i started to provide my top 5 reasons that i care about Poverty, i realised that, although, it was very clear to me why i choose this issue, it required much more thinking to justify my point. The fact that i had to ,kind of, conclude all my thoughts about such a big issue in just 5 consecutive short answers was a bit challenging.

From my ppt presentation

When i was done with that, i proceeded to ask my sister, who i knew that also cares about Poverty in the world. At first, i was thinking that we might end up with very similar “why’s” but to my surprise that was not the case. The main point was common. Our answers differed slightly in a very unique way.

From my ppt presentation

Then i searched for a change-maker on that field and i found that Oxford International Organisation was really making a difference into, actually, solving the issue. What caught my attention, specifically, was that they were clearly stating their morals and that their actions were 100% representative examples of them

My custom-made poster

Here is a poster i made which you can see in both digital and non-digital environment. I wanted to keep it informative: including some facts e.g statistics but also motivational: sharing my vision and breaking out the basics of the establishment of well-being.

Christine Vasilaki

Member of Project W team:

Elena Alid Crystal Ioulia Ntoka Eleni Perperidou Basiliki Tomazou


Betty Tsakarestou

