A meeting with a developer for Safe&Sound.

Charis Zarbalas
Dare to Challenge
Published in
4 min readDec 12, 2016


Developer’s point of view

Nowadays our world is totally computerized, everywhere there is software that plays a major role and makes things simple. So it’s every developer’s responsibility to develop software that is reliable and of course has zero defects. Even the testing people play a major process in testing but the developer also should understand the processes that should be considered when developing to make the software totally reliable.

Testing for Developers

Testing is the process of executing a program or system with the intent of finding errors and it will systematically uncover various classes of errors in a minimum amount of time and with a minimum amount of effort.

Testing shows that the software appears to be working as stated in the specifications and the data collected using testing can also provide an indication of the software’s reliability and quality. Also it cannot show the absence of a defect, it can only show whether software defects are present.

Testing is an activity that must be done during the software development cycle prior to the release into production as the process of demonstrating that defects are not present. And the process of showing that a program performs all the intended functions correctly before being released into production.

Testing is the process of establishing confidence that a program does what it is supposed to do and during the maintenance cycle of the software, testing is still extremely important and needs to be done every time the software is modified.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance refers to the set of planned and systematic set of activities that ensure processes in the organization meet certain standards like ISO 9000 or SEI CMM that provide a certain degree of confidence in the quality of the software being released.

Quality Assurance Activity

Setting and Maintaining guidelines for processes in line with International Standards, Performing internal audits to ensure adherence to procedures and so on are some of the QA activities but studying software specifications, developing test plans, test cases, executing tests, creating automated test scripts and reporting defects are some of the testing activities.

Validation and Verification in Testing


Verification refers to the set of activities that ensure that software correctly implements a specific function, imposed at the start of that phase and here some activities are done at each and every stage of the software development cycle using requirements analysis, design, coding and so on.

Validation refers to a different set of activities that ensure that the software that has been built is traceable to customer requirements and activities are typically activities done once the coding has been completed to verify that the software adheres to functional requirements.

When To Do Testing

Testing activities can be started as soon as the SRS has been prepared where test planning can be initiated and progressed along with the SDLC through the design and coding phases by developing test designs and test cases as soon as the coding is completed, the focus can be on “Test Execution” .

This approach of testing early in the SDLC will contribute to meeting deadlines without compromising the testing activities.

Taking all that under consideration, and after talking with the developer the final point is that our startup is not going to be easy to set it up but it’s possible. The biggest thing would be to get google’s API (Application Programming Interface) for the maps for unlimited usage, but that comes with a price and google is definitely not cheap.

Another alternative is the OSGEO. The foundation, or “OSGeo” for short, is an independent not-for-profit legal entity established to support the needs of the open source geospatial community. The foundation will serve as an organizing body, a public technology commons, a development community manager, and event sponsor. Once fully established, the foundation will provide a legal and administrative framework to better support the ongoing development and promotion of open source geospatial data and technologies.

That gives us the necessary geo data to get started in a beta version, or until we have some profit. Then if we wish we could use that profit to afford google’s API policy.

To sum up, the meeting with the developer went well. His constructive criticism and his experience in the startup business will help us correct our mistakes and creat a more realistic startup plan for Safe and Sound.

Our Safe N’ Sound team : Charis Zarbalas, Danai Lyratzi, Frossini Drakouli, Martha Davari, Christos Daniilidis

Our mentor and coordinator : Betty Tsakarestou

