A timeline of events during Education Found!

Constantinos Christodoulu
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2017

October 2016:

The beginning was when we were assigned into teams in order to make a startup project on 1 of the many global issues. We decided to go with the problem of education. We thought that it was one of -if not- the most important subject to focus on as we find the lack of free and quality education disturbing. So we came up with a first prototype program called Education_not_Found. Having been influenced by the common 404 Error on computers when a file is missing. Having made a quick research we started to set our sights on target. So we also made a small clip to start spreading awareness and we also presented it in our class on November.

Here it is

December 2016:

Logo for Education Found

We realized that our goal needed well known connections and our actions that we aimed for were very big for the time that we had. So we kind of lowered our expectations and our goals so we can accomplish them. We firstly wanted to change the whole education system and built new schools or repair them. Now we changed our name to Education Found! and we created a network that is trying to help whatever education based organization seeks help. Thus far we have a partnership with El Sistema Greece and we are helping them find human resources and volunteers for their program. Their arranged event is going to have volunteers found by us and also we will be in their event to help them out.

January 2017:

During our final meeting in the class we presented our idea and our efforts until this day and our plans moving forward from here. We had a wonderful and meaningful time researching about education end with our eyes wide open now we continue our lives with more knowledge on the subject!

Team Memebers :

Stelios Evangelou Andrea Marios Orthodoxou Minas Georgiou



Constantinos Christodoulu
Dare to Challenge

Φοιτητής Επικοινωνίας, Μέσων και Πολιτισμού @ Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμειο / Ραδιοφωνικός Παραγωγός @SPAMradio