Aggelikh Vassou
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2016


An advice concerning the healthy food at the preschool age by the educator Maria Papaskyrianou

Greece seams to take first place in childhood obesity according to world health organisation. Despite the economic crisis and the reduction in family income during the last few years, the persentage of obese children are on the rise. Both family and society should take immediate action so that the numbers will gradually decrease. If we want children to love healthy food, one basic step is a balanced breakfast. After a long sleep at night, our body and mind need fuel to start working so we choose a good breakfast in order to start their day. This way the children will be more concentrated in the classroom, but they will also have more energy to play with their friends during brake. Indicatively, a good breakfast could contain:a. milk with cereal b. yogurt with honey or fruit c. toast with honey or jam and a glass of milk d. a piece of cake and a glass of milk or juice e. a sandwich with cheese and turkey

It is equal important to stress to the children that they need to get all their meals during the day. In cooperation with the children we make a weekly dietary plan for the whole family. We choose fod reach in vitamins as well as a lot of fruit and vegetables. This is a way to make our children think about the food they consume in their daily lifes from a young age. Specifically, if we manage to get our children to follow a healthy diet from the preschool age then it is more likely that they will eat healthy as adults. However, under no circumstances should we exclude sweet or fatty foods from their diet since this will make them more attractive to their eyes. We should permit their consumptions but in moderation.

