The NID project — Closing up

Diony Kon
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2016


Accepting your failures is the first step to success…

As we managed to go on and fulfill our plans, we realized that we couldn’t. The cooperation with a charitable non-profit organization will take more time, because of other significant priorities that the organization has to take care of first.

However, we have to say that we understood and learned how this works. Setting a challenge takes a lot of time thinking, talking with each other, planning, facing the difficulties and trying to find solutions. And we did. We almost came to the end of this project, but unfortunately, we need more time. Because there are some things that we can’t be involved in and we have to wait, as they said to us. And we will. It is worth waiting and finally helping people-in- need, because we care about them and we want to give them the easiest thing to all of us: food.

Our project is at its final step. The cooperation is underway and we have collected some uncooked food, like spaghetti, rice, etc. Also, there are some people that offered to help us with this idea, by giving food or money, or helping us share the cooked food.

We are very happy that our goals will be completed and that so many people are interested in our idea. We enjoyed all the way up to here and our challenge now (after finishing the first one) is to set the next one!


Dionysia Konstantakopoulou, Ioanna Pante, Sinekoglou Konstantina

Department of Communication, Media and Culture, Panteion University, Athens



Diony Kon
Dare to Challenge

Panteion university, department of Communication, Media and Culture