Revolemon — Difficulties of our Challenge (part 3)

Irilena Varella
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2016

A story made by Irilena
Here is the official site of the Revolemon Team, you can find step by step all our actions during our Dare to Challenge project.. Enjoy

As all the new start up teams did, during the process of our vision we found a lot of difficulties that we had to overcome so as to materialize our idea. Beside the obstacles concerning the permit of the municipality of Zografou, where had been the neighborhood that we decided to start with, we found great difficulties to find and obtain the specific materials that we needed in order to put into practice our main idea. We wanted the result of our effort to fit aesthetically with the rest walls of this specific neighborhood. In order to accomplish that we visited a lot of hardware stores, so as to find particular shades. Hopefully the shopkeeper was very friendly and when we explained to him what we were trying to do he advised us and helped us to choose the correct shades and the necessary quantity for this specific area.

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” — Robert F. Kennedy

Equipped and ready we started our day excited with the idea that we were about to put into practice our vision. Another problem that we faced was the fact that since no one of us had ever painted a wall we didn’t know that before we start painting we had to make a preparation with a special material called ‘’astari’’ , and then wait for a couple of hours. Finally we wanted the result to be pleasant and friendly for both the citizens and those who were just passing by so we found different simple designs that we were able to paint in our own. Besides the different obstacles that we found we never quitted our mission and we are proud to present you step by step our work.



Irilena Varella
Dare to Challenge

Master Degree on Strategic Communication and Public Relations // Gratuated from Panteion University