Eugenia Skouteri
Dare to Challenge
Published in
4 min readJan 21, 2019


During this semester in the framework of the “Social Issues, Social Innovation and Corporate Responsibility” course at Panteion University and the project Dare to challenge we engaged with sustainable goals, and more specific with the sustainable goal number 2 called “Zero Hunger” which concerns the hunger and the problem of wasting food.

To start with, the SDGs is an initiative of United States that since 2015 try to alert people and build the suitable environment with peace and prosperity for a better world. It has been activated in 17 sustainable development goals that address both the problem of poverty, hunger, health, the environment and racial discrimination, as well as the problems faced by people with disabilities. Our decision was to deal with the problem of hunger. It is time to rethink the whole situation, the tones of food that are wasted every day and to redifine the purpose of our existence and of human nature starting from the importance of offering what you do not need to someone who really needs it.

Berore start our project ,we made a small video and a ppt related with hunger. Available to watch it here and here.

What did we have to do?

We had to create a project to solve this problem here in Greece. So, after many hours of brainstorming and changing our first idea, we end up ,as a team, to collaborate with a supermarket.

But let’s get started from the very first step. Our first step was to find the suitable name for this action. We called STRIKE_HUNGER. We got inspired by our vision ,that was to stop the problem and create an environment with equality even the simplest things but the most valuable in our lives.

After that , we get influenced by the action of Boroume ,a non-profit organization whose mission is to reduce food waste and to fight malnutrition in Greece. “Saving & Offering Food” program Boroume saves food on a daily basis from many sources and it offers it to charities.Here you can find the goal of Boroume more detailed here

So, based and inspired from that we came up with the idea of a collaboration with the supermarket Sklavenitis. We contacted with the manager of the west sector of the supermarket and after he heard our proposal he decided to give us the opportunity and agreed to cooperate with us. Our agreement was that the 10% of every product under the name “marata” which is bought in any store of the west sector goes to our fund. We will use this fund subsidize a kitchen that feeds homeless people which is called “Manos Aperta” a Latin expression meaning “open hand” . Our discussions helped us to design our User Experience Map.

After that deal, we took feedback. We interacted with customers and people in different ages to have a background for our action. So, we made a questioner and we took answers from people who want or not to help us and be part of it. In general ,we received a positive vibe and many people were willing to give us advice of their experiences but, of course, there were other people who were a little bit negative and careless . Here is our Strike Hunger Interview key outcomes.

Our final step was the creation of our site and our instagram account. Through our social media we aimed to communicate and tο spread our action and of course to sensitize more people.

You can find us on Instagram @StrikeHunger ( instagram )and here is our site

Finally, we concluded that philanthropy, either in times of crisis or in times of prosperity, remains a real expression of true and unselfish love. Everyone can help with a small offer and everyone can do a small step to enhance a big cause sacrificing a little time from our personal life.


one video & SDGs project

Boroume project

Experience map

Feedback & Interviews


instagram account

OUR TEAM: Evelina Karatziou Anastasia Stamatopoulou κατερινα αλεξοπουλου Spyros Sierros

