Joan Sales Fortuño
Dare to Challenge
Published in
10 min readFeb 22, 2024

Betty Tsakarestou María Luisa González Cueto Mreusbordas Lucía Solano Olatz Cortes María Esteve


We are the 6Pack group and our goal is simple: we want to fight against all the unfair treatment, inequality and discrimination that women face around the world. To do this, we have created an NGO called EMPOWERHER, which will support women of all backgrounds, helping them to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. We are dedicated to making things better by breaking down barriers and giving women the opportunities they deserve.
On how we decided on the idea, first of all, as women, we are directly affected by this issue we are addressing. It is a battle we face every day of our lives. So is the problem of the objectification and sexualisation of women, and it is a serious problem that is unfortunately common and normalised in our society. We grew up with this problem and we want to do something about it.
Finally, we recognise that the impact of objectification and sexualisation goes beyond the physical and can damage women’s self-esteem. By creating this project, we hope to raise awareness and inspire change towards a more equitable and just society for all.

5 WHY’s

First, it is essential to give five reasons why our issue is important.

- 1st why: as women, it affects us directly. It is a battle we all fight every day of our lives.
- 2nd why: Because it is a serious problem, common and seen as normal, we grow up with it.
- 3rd why: Because women are not objects. The objectification of women is a serious problem that affects us in all aspects of our lives.
- 4th why: Because ending sexualisation is a fundamental step towards achieving equality.
- 5th why: Because it impacts on how women see themselves. It damages their self-esteem

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a list of 17 major global goals set by the United Nations in 2015. They are known as a list of important factors set to improve everyone’s lives by 2030. These goals cover things like ending poverty. These goals cover things like ending poverty, fighting hunger, ensuring everyone gets good healthcare and education, and protecting the environment. They also include goals on clean water, clean energy, jobs, equality and making cities better places to live. Each goal has specific things we need to do to achieve it, and they are all about making the world a fairer and safer place for everyone. The Sustainable Development Goals are very important in relation to human rights. These are the ones we have chosen because they have a theme close to the theme of our project.

The goal of number five is to achieve gender equality by fighting and exterminating all forms of discrimination, violence and harmful practices against women worldwide. It also calls for the participation of women and all those who see this struggle as a common benefit.

Number ten focuses on inequalities within and between countries. It calls for nations to end inequalities in income and inequalities based on age, sex, disability, race, etc., or other status within a country.


Creating safe spaces is crucial to empower women to participate in their lives without fear. Promoting gender equality is essential to building good societies and enhancing inclusion and equality. When women feel safe, they are more likely to take risks, pursue their dreams and contribute to their communities. Gender equality is not just a women’s issue; it is a human rights issue that affects everyone.
By promoting gender equality, we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive regardless of their gender. This includes equal access to education, health care and employment opportunities. It also means challenging harmful gender stereotypes and promoting positive portrayals of women in media and society. Ultimately, creating a more equal and inclusive world benefits us all.
To develop our project, we decided to take a look at Keshab Chandra Mandal’s article “Concept and types of women’s empowerment”. That way we could better understand what women’s empowerment really means and take it as a fundamental basis for our work. Mandal is a former project director of the Indian Council of Social Science Research in New Delhi.


EMPOWERHER serves a diverse group of women from different neighbourhoods and businesses, united by the common goal of combating injustices, inequalities and discrimination. These women share a strong commitment to promoting gender equality and reducing disparities in their communities.
Empowerment Programmes: Design initiatives to empower women in entrepreneurship by providing tools and support to overcome gender challenges.
Education and advocacy: implement programmes that challenge social norms and promote gender equality through awareness raising and education.
Inclusive community initiatives: focus on projects that bring women together, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration to collectively reduce inequalities.

We wanted to hear from women around the world who have been involved in our beloved project.


  • Aisha, 29: Aisha, a representative of a rich cultural heritage, has challenged stereotypes and promoted cross-cultural understanding. Her participation in events and programs has contributed to creating an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity. Through her tireless work, Aisha reminds us of the importance of joining forces to overcome cultural barriers. Her commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion serves as a beacon of inspiration for those seeking to build bridges between different cultures and communities.
  • Natalia, 21: Natalia, a young student from a small town, has led local initiatives that strengthen community ties. Her dedication has created a space where women can share skills, support each other, and learn new forms of leadership. Natalia embodies the idea that change begins at the local level, demonstrating how individual commitment can transform a community and empower its younger members to become agents of positive change.
  • Lina, 47: Lina comes from a challenging economic situation, but found support and resources in our project. Through training and mentoring programs, Lina has been able to start her own business. Her story highlights the importance of providing opportunities for all women, regardless of their economic situation. Lina has not only found her way to economic independence but has also inspired other women in similar circumstances to follow her lead and pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. Her determination and resilience are a testament to the transformative potential of proper training and support in empowering women.


Gender inequality is a big problem around the world. Many explain its meaning as the injustice that women suffer by not being treated fairly compared to men. This inequality manifests itself in so many aspects of life, such as employment, politics, schools, and health care. Women often earn less than men, even though they are doing the same work and do not always have the same opportunities to be leaders, or have important positions. These barriers make it difficult for women to fully participate in society and advance as an individual. We need to work together to change these unfair beliefs and make sure that everyone, regardless of gender, age or race, has an equal chance of success.

Addressing this type of issue requires a multifaceted approach involving changes in social attitudes, legal reforms, and efforts to promote gender equality in various aspects of life. This entails not only tackling the structural inequalities that perpetuate gender discrimination but also working to shift entrenched cultural perceptions underlying these disparities. Additionally, it is crucial to implement policies and programs that foster equitable participation of women in decision-making processes as well as access to educational, economic, and professional development opportunities. By addressing gender inequality comprehensively, we can move towards a more just and inclusive society for all individuals, regardless of gender.


1. Education and awareness:

Promoting education for all by raising awareness of the importance of gender equality. Educating individuals about the benefits of gender equality helps break down barriers and fosters an environment conducive to change. By increasing knowledge and understanding, we can challenge traditional norms and promote a culture of respect and inclusion. Together, these efforts help build stronger, healthier, and more equitable communities worldwide.

2. Empowerment programs:

Implementing programs that empower women in different areas and supporting leadership initiatives for women. Empowerment programs are essential for promoting gender equality and creating a more inclusive society. These programs aim to provide women with the tools and resources they need to succeed in various areas, including education, health, and economic opportunities. Empowerment programs also play a crucial role in breaking down barriers and promoting gender equity. Ultimately, empowering women benefits not only women themselves but also their families, communities, and society as a whole.

3. Workplace equality:

Equal opportunities for all, men and women, and fair treatment in the workplace. Equal opportunities and fair treatment in the workplace are fundamental human rights that should be upheld by all organizations. Promoting gender equality in the workplace not only benefits employees but also leads to increased productivity, innovation, and profitability for organizations.

4. Media representation:

Stimulate positive and diverse portrayals of women in media and combating stereotypes. Media representation plays a crucial role in shaping societal attitudes towards women. By stimulating positive and diverse portrayals of women in media and combating harmful stereotypes, we can promote gender equality and empower women to reach their full potential.


Now we are going to delve into the impact of each of the solutions we proposed before. This will provide an insight into the effectiveness and repercussions of the proposed solutions.

1. Education and awareness: Empowering women through education encourages economic independence and reduces gender disparities in various fields. However, the most important impact is that we would have a more informed and equitable society. Also it would gradually change people’s mentality surrounding the issue of sexism.

2. Empowerment programs: Empowerment programs will have an economic and social impact by breaking down many established stereotypes and injustices in our society, while also improving community development and stimulating a sense of agency and self-esteem. As a result, there will be a notable rise in the representation of marginalized genders in traditionally male-dominated fields, contributing to a more diverse and inclusive workplace.

3. Workplace equality: Equal opportunities at work is one of the key points, as it leads to greater productivity and innovation. It also challenges traditionally established gender roles and norms, contributing to a more inclusive world. Moreover, One of the key impacts of this will be a reduction in the gender pay gap

4. Media representation: Positive and diverse representation in different media challenges stereotypes and promotes a culture of respect and equality in society, as it gives rise to different, more critical and informed perspectives. This will amplify the visibility of marginalized voices and communities that were historically underrepresented in mainstream media.


Our NGO follows a simple communication plan: we have social media, and here you can see our Instagram and X. Here we are planning to post about what we do, our ideas and future projects. We also have a website that gives you details of our project.

Our Social Media:



Promotional video of the NGO “EMPOWERHER” created by the Panteion University team “SixPack”, which aims to ensure the equality, safety and freedom of women around the world.

Our website: https://empowerher6.wordpress.com/


Throughout the course of this project, we have learned various aspects of our societal landscape. Firstly, it stands out the fundamental role of education as the bedrock of progress. The realization that improvements in education are essential for overall advancement has been a resounding topic. It underscores the necessity for continuous efforts to enhance educational systems, ensuring they are not only accessible but they also have the highest quality.

Another observation has been the clear gender disparity in senior positions. Despite recent progress, the under-representation of women in leadership positions persists. Recognising this disparity serves as a call for stronger initiatives and systemic changes to foster gender diversity. While encouraging progress has been made, the call for substantial transformation remains imperative to create an inclusive and equitable professional landscape.

In addition, our work has highlighted the challenge of reshaping societal attitudes. We live in a very accustomed society, which makes trying to change things very difficult. We have deeply ingrained beliefs and norms in our cultures. We have to make many efforts to foster social change, recognising that changing entrenched attitudes requires a multi-faceted approach.

In essence, our project has become a catalyst for understanding the challenges in our society. From the imperative need to improve education to the push for gender inclusion and the complex task of altering social attitudes, these ideas propel us towards a more informed and intentional approach to fostering positive change.


After the work we have done, we have some advice for future innovators. To begin with, we started this project by setting our objectives, where we wanted to go with this NGO, and not only the results but also the goals. This is a fundamental step, because without these bases it is very difficult to develop the work.

In addition, it is very important to make every part of our work clear. It is essential that everyone understands what our objective is and what our project is for. Thanks to this clarity, not only the public understands this work, but it also helps our team to work in better conditions and with better collaboration. When talking about the team, it is also important to create an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable, which creates an environment where ideas flow and develop. It is essential to understand that the project changes completely depending on how the team works. That is why it is so important to create a good atmosphere in order to do a good job.


María González, 20 years old — mgoncuet@uma.es

Lucía Solano, 20 years old — al415249@uji.es

María Esteve, 21 years old — al415269@uji.es

Olatz Cortés, 21 years old — olatzcortes@usal.es

Mar Reus, 21 years old — al408014@uji.es

Joan Sales, 22 years old— al404813@uji.es


ARAT ZFK. Feminisms, women’s rights and the UN: Would achieving gender equality empower women? American journal of political science . 2015;109(4):674–689. doi:10.1017/S0003055415000386

Manojo, C. (1990). Women’s rights as human rights: towards a revision of human rights. Hum. Rts. P. , 12 , 486.

Mandal, KC (May 2013). Concept and types of women’s empowerment. In International Forum for Teaching and Studies (Vol. 9, №2).

Swers, ML (2002). The difference women make: the political impact of women in Congress . University of Chicago Press.

THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development . (sf). https://sdgs.un.org/goals

