Basilis Filipakopoulos
Dare to Challenge
Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2017

On the presentations we made during the semester, the comments we received by our colleagues about the “Urban Green” project were positive and pretty satisfying. In fact, one of our colleagues,expressed that he found our idea innovative and that there is nothing similar to it right now at the market. This feedback pleased us specially, because it confirmed the crucial need of creating this kind of app. Through the procedure of brainstorming, many different and creative ideas arised. The next step we made, was to send questionnaires to possible users -mainly activists- as we wanted to have in mind their opinion. Not everyone agreed with our approach. For instance, when the gaming aspect was referred, someone answered us that he believed the gaming wouldn’t help us to activate the users. However, the detering answers didn’t have an impact on our choice for the game and they actually actuated us to develop our idea even more.

Furthermore, we came up against some difficulties with the organisations and the communication that we tried to achieve with them. We sent several e-mails asking for useful advice and help of improvement. Unfortunately no one responded to us. Another difficulty we faced, was dealing with the prototype, as we didn’t have the technical skills to create it. That being said, we consulted the web and we managed to create a first phase app layout. Our last challenge, was the fact that the application/game addresses to a specific audience that is really limited to Greece. As a result of it, we are trying to find ideas that will be appealing to non activist people, who will follow our vision and become part of our community.

As we were carrying out our research about the formation of “Urban Green”, we informed ourselves more about the environmental problems, the solutions suggested by official institutions and the actions taking place in Greece. During the course, we’ve learnt that you have to be very specific and focused of what you are doing,what you want to achieve and what is your target group. You have to provide yourself with both questions and answers. Additionally, we’ve learnt how to describe our work and make it comprehensible to others and the importance of a professional ambition.

The creative part included on the gaming experience of the application was exciting to every member of our team. To be more specific, the addendum of funny games with environmental content was something that not only we found exciting, but possible users found it appealing as well. Furthermore, in one of our interviews we conducted with a Portuguese activist, we were more than happy to hear that our application could reach an audience abroad. Our project was described as innovative and unique by him. The interviews that we took from random people and activists helped us fill in the blanks, overcome our weaknesses and think outside the box.


Our overall experience on this project was interesting and can’t be compared to any previous works, as none of us had created and designed an app again.

CEO (Iakovos Vlachos)”This experience was a multi-faceted process to me. I had the chance to develop my communication and cooperation skills.”

CoCEO(Panagiotis Reppas)”It was a very positive experience and we have learnt a lot about start ups, applications and environment. I also learnt how to work as a team, that was the true pleasure.”

Social Media Manager (Basilis Filippakopoulos) “The formation of “Urban Green” constitutes an innovative and special accomplishment to me. During the data processing, I developed my team spirit and my technical knowledge. It was also a really good opportunity to learn more about social media and the way that communication works nowadays. I feel blessed and satisfied with the result. Last but not least, I want to thank all the team members for the work that we have achieved.”

Communication Assistant Manager (Christina Koromila) “I have learnt a lot about environment that I wouldn’t have the chance to learn without this project. I have learnt how to be more focused, set goals and believe that I can actually make them happen. I loved the fact that I have been the coordinator of the team and the part I enjoyed the most was interviewing.”

Arts and Visuals (Konstantina Stigka-Elpiniki Primou) “The “Urban Green” project was a remarkable experience for us because we didn’t have the chance to collaborate with anyone else to design and create an application/game. During the brainstorming, we got excited with the idea of the game aspect, the role embodiment and the funny characters. That’s something we hope we will be given the chance to develop in the future. The whole team work was effective, the communication between us was fruitful and everyone assisted in their own way. All in all, it was a remarkable project.” Betty Tsakarestou. Elpiniki Primou Iakobos Vlachos Panayotis Reppas Konstantina Stigka Christina Koromila

