Feel Like Home

Niove Sfyri
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2016

The challenges of being homeless (part2)

#FeelLikeHome #DaretoChallenge #RestArt

Being homeless is like an explosion: it can happen all of the sudden and turn anyone's life upside down. This kind of state is unbearable as it is related directly to one of the human's basic needs, the need of housing.

People living on the streets suffer from many things such as the weather conditions, which can be unpredictable, and the lack of a stable and comfortable place to live and prosper. The unstable situation they go through and the fear of the unknown does not let them worry about anything else but finding food and a place to stay. As a result, they become “one-dimensional”· they do not live, they just survive.

This constant battle between them and their needs in combination with the lack of privacy makes them introvert and causes them many psychological issues. Being homeless is considered a taboo in many societies. Homeless people are “invisible” to others· no one talks or even looks at them. This probably happens because of the feelings that almost any passenger faces when passing by a homeless person (guilt, sadness, even disgust). Nowadays the cruelty of the society and the selfishness which is fed by the economic crisis, have decreased the aid people provide the homeless. They stand all alone, without any specific base, considering themselves totally useless.

This exact feeling is one of the reasons why they do not have the motivation to evolve and improve the quality of their life. This vicious circle keeps them captivated in their present state. At this point, it is our duty to make them feel acceptable and equal to everyone else. We should push them into building their own future and RestArt.

We are “RestArt” and our challenge is to enable homeless people to feel like home. To learn more about our project and our actions follow the team members: Artemis Kofina, Anna Koumaneli, Αnastasia Tzanatou, Michailia Kalogerakou, Niki Masiala, Niove Sfyri. See the rest of the story at https://medium.com/dare-to-challenge/feellikehome-c214ed1d6554#.wf7oiz52b .



Niove Sfyri
Dare to Challenge

Studying Communication, Media and Culture @PanteionUni • Marketing(AD&PR) Orientation • Art Seeker