
Αnastasia Tzanatou
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2016

Our future goals! (part 7)

#FeelLikeHome #RestArt #Daretochallenge #futuregoals

The last –and may I say the most important- part of our project is the one that includes our future actions. Being aware of the fact that a pair of clothes and a blanket cannot possibly make up for a whole life in the streets, our company intends to plan a long-term project which will continue to be active long after its primary goals have been achieved.

Specifically, we aim to find different ways to constantly make them FeelLikeHome. We hope that our members will come up with ideas such as organizing concerts, bazaars and parties in order to raise money for food or other needs that those people might have. We also intend to provide psychological support to those people because -as we all know- if someone’s psychology is up then it will be much more easy for him to find the strength and willingness to chase his dreams, keep going and face the problems he is dealing with everyday. At the same time, we will continue our cooperation with the non-profit organization “Schedia’’. In that way, we’ll have the opportunity to communicate and learn from the experts of that field, efficient our programs and observe how a real and successful company is functioning.

All in all, RestArt company focuses on people’s special needs and wishes. These days, when poverty has already hit at least 1/3 of our country, humanity and solidarity are all that have been left. We are here to ensure that homeless people will be treated as humans and not like trash.

Join us!



Αnastasia Tzanatou
Dare to Challenge

Studying Journalism at Panteion University | That’s all folks. (btw I like 1D)