Final Dare to Challenge Project: Our Final Pitch — The Impacters

Lilla Dóra Mező
Dare to Challenge
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2021


Primary author: Lilla Dóra Mező

Co-curators: Valentine Castella, Clémence Hamard, Raluca-Ioana Stănciulescu, Mucsi Blanka

All around the world, “at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime”. Here in Greece, we know that ¼ women will suffer from domestic violence at some point in their lives. Consequently, we can say that the issue of domestic violence against women is a global issue, that’s why we need to take action against it.

As The Impacters, we care about this issue first of all because we are women and we are directly impacted by inequalities between men and women and then because we want a better world for our families and friends, but also for the next generations. It is time to change the world.

Our project is aiming at achieving two of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations: the first one is gender equality by empowering all women and girls and the second one is reducing inequalities within and among countries. Our project is focusing on educating men and women and giving women the support that they need and the tools to defend themselves.

In order to do that, we developed a website which purpose is to provide information about domestic violence to whoever needs it, to allow women to find a safe place to talk (with our team but also between victims of domestic violence), and to give them the opportunity to ask for help but also to learn how to defend themselves (self-defense courses). In addition to this, we decided to create an app called Helpmenow to make it easier for women to keep track of their experiences, but also to save proofs that could support their testimonies. Finally, we created our Instagram account (@women_impacters) in order to extend our audience on social media but also to make contact with people easier. On this platform, we will post information about domestic violence, organize live sessions and Q&As. More generally, we will try to raise awareness about this issue and empower all women.

The Women Impacters are a Women Empowerment Non-Governmental Organization founded in October 2020. Our NGO sees the value in everyone. We want to be a catalyst for positive change and we have been driven by the same ideas. The NGO seeks to prevent violence against women, including repeated violence, and to train professionals who are in contact with victims and those at risk. The NGO aims at empowering women, victims, or possible victims of domestic violence, to protect themselves against violence. Our motto: The change starts today!

To reach our audience we created a Communication Plan and Communication Campaign and different kinds of partnership possibilities. To get more details about them and about how our organization work please continue reading our next article: “Final Dare to Challenge Project: Report Reach — The Impacters”

Link to our PowerPoint presentation:

To learn more about our project, you can use the following links!

Our website:

Our Instagram:

The Impacters team members: Valentine Castella, Clémence Hamard, Raluca Stănciulescu, Lilla Dora Mezo, Blanka Mucsi.

