Final decision about our goal (part 4)

konstantina pritsiouli
Dare to Challenge
Published in
1 min readJan 21, 2019

We are the Hear Us Shout Organization. Our goal is to eliminate phenomenons such us catcalling and harassment.

After our research on Open Ideo, where we discovered other projects similar to ours, we decided to focus specifically on the inequality between women and men. So we sat down ,as a team, and we wrote on a piece of paper three questions we’d like to answer, related to the inequality between women and men. We thought about what type of people these question would affect in order to decide who to interview. Through the interviews we wanted to settled down to our specific goal regarding to the inequality between women and men!

Eva Papantonaki Léa Martel Laurie Veuillot Solène Anger Betty Tsakarestou

