Framing our design

Vasiliki Arapogiorgi
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2021

Hello again Trackers!

Today, we are here to start discussing with you how can we improve our lives by improving our surrounding’s quality, meaning the environment. We, specifically, want to introduce you to a different way of thinking, a way neither we had not so long ago. It is called human-centered design.

Embracing human-centered design means believing that all problems, even the seemingly intractable ones like poverty, gender equality, and clean water, are solvable. Moreover, it means believing that the people who face those problems every day are the ones who hold the key to their answer. Human-centered design offers problem solvers of any stripe a chance to design with communities, to deeply understand the people they’re looking to serve, to dream up scores of ideas, and to create innovative new solutions rooted in people’s actual needs. (source:

We, Tracker Net, started with a simple question “How can we combat climate change?”. By listing the solutions of the bigger problem, we realised many things cannot be done without legal update and the cooperation of big corporations. Regardless, we believe people with environmental consciousness can make an important change!

For that reason, in our project plan, we included four ways to engage our future community via the human-centered design sollution:

  1. Direct and upload educational videos on our YouTube channel,
  2. Cooperate with other NGOs,
  3. Organize live events and seminars with prestigious scientists,
  4. Continue writing articles on our medium account.

The implementation of those actions will make the community of Tracker Net grow and maximize its impact. All based on true experiences and real facts.

Keep in touch and follow us via our site, Medium, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to learn more about the journey of Tracker Net.

You can read our complete case study here.

Tracker Net Team Members: Αγγελική Κλήμη, Elisavet Liapi, Billy Mpakas,

Our professor: Betty Tsakarestou



Vasiliki Arapogiorgi
Dare to Challenge

Student of Communication, Media and Culture in Panteion University, Athens, Greece