From idea generation to idea implementation: that’s how we do it

Antonia Olbrich
Dare to Challenge
Published in
4 min readFeb 28, 2021

Written by Bruna De Cristofaro

Planning with Antonia the workshops, the peer rounds and the atmosphere of our summer bootcamp has been magic. Since day 1 we have been naming each other “Co-founders of the B.F.F. Bootcamp”.

Thinking of myself as a founder made me feel empowered. Probably because I had never founded anything before and the B.F.F. idea embodied what I had been trying to scream to the world since ages. It represented me at 100%, my ideals and the world I want.

Antonia and I wrote about us and the story of our project

Of course, after some initial enthusiasm, I realised that having a good idea is not enough. Your social innovation, your perfect plan to improve the world, is a far away destination and you gotta walk a long way before reaching it. And there’s more: you could even fail and not reach it at all. Acknowledging this did not particularly discourage me, though. It rather reminded me of one of my favourite lines of Albert Camus in the Myth of Sysiphus: “the struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart”.

So, I started struggeling towards the heights regardless of whether I would actually be right at the top or not. And so did Antonia.

Our first step consisted in the implementation of our own website, where parents could reserve a place for their child at the B.F.F. bootcamp. It included information about us and our vision as well as details concerning our offer.

After that, our communication strategy started taking shape. Our instagram channel, a must have, consisted in a series of posts that complement each other and tell our story from the beginning to the end.

The Body Freedom Fighters presenting their bootcamp idea

3 S’s inspire our contents: serious, short and simple. We believe in fact in instagram’s B2B potential: our contents should reach sister organisations, but also investors and sucessful startups in order to start networking with our potential business partners (all good ideas sadly also need good money). We started creating a network and a niche on our own by following social enterprises in the field of menstrual hygiene products, gynecologists and experts about women’s health and influencers commited to women in any sort of way. The goal is to make them part of our growth and to make them passionate about our story. In this way, when the B.F.F. bootcamp will be realised, there will be no need for long introductions: they will remember us.

The-almost-serious character of our instagram channel mixes with the vivacious and entertraining spirit of our Tik Tok channel. Tik Tok is the place where we get to know our young girls, our channel is their safe space where they begin to follow and trust us. Our first contents remind them who we are and which goals we pursue, while the following ones deliver deep and caring messages with a touch humor. Our “never have I ever” Tik Toks are good examples.

Never have I ever “boobs edition”

In the first video Antonia is asking me questions concerning my breasts, such as whether I have ever found hair on my nipples or sweated under my breasts. And I drink a sip after each question because of course it happened to me and it’s normal! What our videos aim to is the destigmatization of body speeches, the same goal that our idea bootcamp would pursue.

Of course, Tik Tok — as all social media — is a is a paid platform. It is difficult to talk about results and impacts since none of our videos have been either boosted or sponsored.

Never have I ever “period edition”

And yet our videos have already started to get some attention as the views show, which confirms that we are on the right track.

And yet our videos have already started to get some attention as the views show, which confirms that we are on the right track.

We will therefore continue to experiment with new formats and try to create a small community on Tik Tok as well as on instagram. Our informative videos should serve as examples of how our workshops in real life will work one day: breaking taboos and stigmas is the principle rule in both cases.

Our last videos reached over 2000 views and it is increasing every minute!

Our Website:

Our Instagram channel: @bodyfreedomfighters

Our Tik Tok channel: @bodyfreedomfighters

Meet my Team Member @Antonia Olbrich

