HCL: Anti-bullying Campaign — PART 3

Louiza Symeonide
Dare to Challenge
Published in
1 min readJan 24, 2016

In a multi problematic society, such as the one we leave in, racism and its subcategories are growing rapidly.Bullying for example, has devastating effects on human development and it creates a variety of problems such as depression, sadness and anxiety. The percentage of children becoming a victim of bullying reaches up to 33.3.
Consequently, we believe it is time to take action.We dare to challenge an anti-bullying campaign. HOLD, CARE, LOVE each others.

Our strategy :

  • UPDATE: newspaper, magazine, blogs
  • COMPETITION: song, theater ,street art , gallery
  • APPS: mobile / social media . #breakSilence
  • TRAINING GROUPS: education / schools
  • SUPPORT GROUPS: self-improving lessons
  • ADVERTISE: posters- street advertising
  • EVENTS: seminars, etc

Deepest targets :

1.Configure and prepare the ideal requirements to create the appropriate education for bullying’s elimination very soon!

2.Development and consolidation on self-respect and self-esteem feelings.

3.Teenagers have easy and immediate access to bullying’s specialists.


