HealthForAll organisation

Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2016

As an organisation, one of the most important priorities is to get in touch with homeless people in order to understand their true needs.

While walking around Athens, we came accross many homeless people who where unfortunately under the influence of drugs or alcohol. So we couldn’t actually start a conversation with them. We approached approximately 50 people. Only one out of ten where sober. This is the main reason that we don’t have a clear image of the situation. In addition , we couldn’t get to know which are the common diseases and therefore, how to cure them.

However, the organisation PRAXIS and KLIMAKA have done some research about the diseases and their cure. The only thing we discovered was health centers which required a ton of bureaucracy. We found some mobile units for medical assistance which were at remote areas and not in the towncenter where the needs are more tight for the 20.000 homeless.Judging by the results of the researches it is clear that there has to be direct help for the people on the streets without any bureaucracy.

In addition, we contacted doctors who currently are in the 5th year in university. Unfortunately, due to lack of experience and specialization they were unable to cope with our ambitions. Moreover when we contacted doctors who are in the 6th year, they where busy with their gradutation, so they couldn’t help us accomplish our goal. However we still trying to communicate withn doctors and find volunteers for the project. Even we don’t have our own data, klimaka has already done a research with satisfactorily data. Moreover just as Mrs Alamanou said, who is in charge of the communication in Klimaka, it is nesessary that we all cooperate “it is important that we all change and become senzitised. Change the opinion we have about homeless people and fight together for a better life quality (PART 4)

