How to help BLM movement

Eirini Samoli
Dare to Challenge
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2021

In our “Brand Strategy- Advertising and Press Relations” presentation we decided as young people who strongly support the BLM movement to present our goals on this issue but also to define the small steps we have taken and how we could continue with this organization even from Greece.

Black Lives Matter is a political and social movement advocating for non-violent civil disobedience in protest against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people.

Our goals is to fight racial discrimination, becoming aware of our privilege, offer equal job opportunities and finally end police violence.

So we have come to the conclusion that in the year, 2020, there shouldn’t even be a discussion about race and color. But still racial discriminations are a thing and the latest “big bang” was the police violence and murder of a young black man, George Floyd.Almost six months ago, George Floyd, a Black man in Minneapolis, was killed in police custody. This prompted the greatest civil-rights movement the United States has seen in 50 years, one which rippled around the globe.Therefore, the measures we should take have to be drastic and have immediate result and not waste any more time or any more lives.

For this reason we decided with small steps to offer to this movement in our own way through actions such as spread awareness through social media.In addition, we decided to organize informative events such as speeches to keep citizens informed about the rights of black people and we found a good solution to co-operate with regional and global organizations who share the same vision.

As teenage students in Athens, we can still do plenty. We should be vocal about the things that we care about.There is no reason to see borders when it comes to people’s’ lives. We are not just citizens of Greece, we are global citizens and we should care about global issues.We should participate in such movements and not sit still, while the rest of the world is facing such social problems.

The protests against police brutality and the unjust murders of Black and brown people have mobilized millions to take action towards fighting injustice.This action can take different forms, including, protesting, educating, listening and, of course donating.

Moreover, as a BeyondRace team we decided to help the BLM movement even from Greece.As Greek University students we could get in touch with many different organizations from around the world that are focusing on the BLM movement. We could promote these organizations to the Greek audience and motivate them to educate themselves on the problem and finally donate to these organizations.As we mentioned before, borders should not be an issue to think about. Greeks can and must help even if it seems like this problem doesn’t affect them.

Some great organizations we could collaborate and donate to are:




