How we reach our target group: Mia’s persona journey

Antonia Olbrich
Dare to Challenge
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2021

Written and drawn by Antonia Olbrich

In the following, we will share with you the story of Mia, who is learning a lot about herself through our Body Freedom Fighters Summer Bootcamp:

Mia is a 17-year old student, who has two little brothers and is interested in politics.

Mia is together with her boyfriend since she was 14 years old. Now she’s starting to think about having more intimacy with him. But every time they’re “trying” to have penetrative Sex she doesn’t feel ready. She doesn’t know why she’s feeling like this in these moments, but is afraid of talking to her friends about it. He is not pushing her and tells her that she should take her time.

One day, when she opens Instagram, she sees a campaign of one of her favourite Influencers: The Summer-Camp “B.F.F. — Body Freedom Fighters”.

She clicks the link and comes to the website of our Project. After talking to her parents, she registers for the camp.

She also tells her boyfriend that she wants to learn more about her and her sexuality at the Camp. She read that other 10 girls in her age group are going to take part in the Camp. She hopes that talking to her peers and experts will help her to understand her feelings in a more “effective” way than just going around the topic again and again with her boyfriend.

During the Camp she’s attending a lot of workshops where she not only learns about her body, but also about asexuality and queer sexuality. She’s posting Instagram-Stories with the Hashtag #BFF2021. Some girls following her see her posts and ask her about it, so they get to know the camp as well.

After the Camp she is confident to talk more openly with her boyfriend about her feelings: She is more self-aware and can communicate that she wants to take a few steps back: She wants to take it more slowly than before and doesn’t want to try to have penetrative Sex at all.

Of course, next year she’s going to be part of the BFF-Bootcamp again.

Our Website:

Our Instagram channel: @bodyfreedomfighters

Our Tik Tok channel: @bodyfreedomfighters

Meet my team member Bruna De Cristofaro

