Interviews (part5)

Eva Papantonaki
Dare to Challenge
Published in
8 min readJan 21, 2019

Questions :
1. For you, what is a woman and what is a man ?
2. What is for you the most important difference between men and women ? 3. Have ever been confronted with a situation of inequality between men and women? If yes, which one ?
4. What is you feeling when you think about inequalities between women and men ?
5. To finished, do you feel that men and women born equal ?

Interviews :
character 1 : Vincent, French student of communication, 21 years old
1. A woman an a man are the same thing. We are just the result of a species evolution.
2. The main difference between women and men is the sex and sadly, the place in our society
3. Yes, everyday, women are not considered has they should into their work and during the summer, women can wear dress but men have to wear suit
4. I’m so fucking depressed, I hate our society and the inequalities
5. We born equal, but this is our society, patriarchy and the stupid brain of our politics who create inequalities between the sex

character 2 : Paul, French cooker, 30 years old
1. A man is someone who have baguette between the legs and is virile, while a woman don’t have any baguette and is forced to suffer and fight all her life. 2. I think that the biggest difference between men and women is the way to dress and the look
3. I have never see a situation of inequality but I’ve heard a lot about.
4. I feel misunderstanding because I can’t understand how today some people can stay stuck in their way of thinking… Certain behaviors should no longer exist because the world has change.
5. I think that women and men born equal, inequalities problems happens later, some people take advantage of their privileges. Everybody born equal, problems come from stupid people.

character 3 : Camilia, Spanish student of economy, 20 years old
1. For me being a woman or a man is something scientific because it is determined by the chromosomes
2. For me, many differences are created by society, for example girls will like Barbies and boys cars. The same goes for the personality when girls are told that they have the right to be sensitive and that boys do not have the right to cry while some boys have very sensitive personality. In my opinion, the main difference is physical, because it is in the body. Indeed, it changes a lot according to women and men and allows them to do different things. For example a woman be pregnant unlike a man.
3. I did not experience inequalities at school and I do not work yet so I did not have any problems with salary or looking for work but I think the daily life scene or I I felt disturbed by the behaviour of boys in their words or gestures in the street or in bars for example depicts for me a certain situation of inequality because I felt helpless in front of boys who felt superior to me and acting accordingly.
4. I am appalled by gender inequalities because we realize that even with progress such as the right to vote of women in 1944 (which is still very late compared to the right to vote of men), even today in 2018, a woman earns less than a boy or has more difficulty finding work just because she is a girl even if she is can be better qualified than a man. I really hope that women will continue to fight for their rights and that young women of my generation will find solutions to change things and that women and men are seen as two totally equal beings.
5. No, I do not really think that boys and girls are born equal because, throughout the life of a girl, she will feel inequalities with boys, whether at school, at work, in the street … And as a student in high school and in college, teachers talk a lot about inequalities, wage differences, the glass ceiling but no one explains how to fight these inequalities so it proves that it is inked in society. In addition, I find that the disrespectful behaviour of some boys towards women shows that they themselves do not consider women to be equal or else they would not allow this kind of things.

character 4 : Pierre, anti-fa militant, 21 years old
1.For you, what is a woman and what is a man ? Pour moi le fait d’être une femme ou un homme est quelque chose de scientifique car cela est déterminé par les chromosomes. For me being a woman or a man is something scientific because it is determined by the chromosomes.
2.What is for you the most important difference between men and women ? Pour moi de nombreuses différences sont créées par la société, par exemple les filles aimeront les Barbies et les garçons les voitures. De même pour la personnalité lorsqu’on dit aux filles qu’elles ont le droit d’être sensibles et aux garçons qu’ils n’ont pas le droit de pleurer alors que certains garçons ont des personnalités très sensibles. Selon moi la principale différence physique car selon moi c’est le corps, En effet il change beaucoup selon les femmes et les hommes et leur permet de faire des choses différentes. Par example une femme peut être enceinte contrairement a un homme. For me, many differences are created by society, for example girls will like Barbies and boys cars. The same goes for the personality when girls are told that they have the right to be sensitive and that boys do not have the right to cry while some boys have very sensitive personalities. In my opinion, the main difference is physical, because in my opinion it is the body. Indeed, it changes a lot according to women and men and allows them to do different things. For example a woman may be pregnant unlike a man.
3.Have ever been confronted with a situation of inequality between men and women? If yes, which one ? Je n’ai pas vécu d’inégalités a l’école et je ne travaille pas encore donc je n’ai pas eu de problèmes par rapport au salaire ou a la recherche d’emploi mais je pense que les scène de vie quotidiennes ou je me suis sentie dérangée par le comportement de garçons dans leur paroles ou dans leurs gestes dans la rue ou dans des bars par exemple et cela dépeint pour moi une certaine situation d’inégalité car je me suis sentie impuissante face a des garçons qui se sentaient supérieurs a moi et qui agissaient en conséquence. I did not experience inequalities at school and I do not work yet so I did not have any problems with salary or looking for work but I think the daily life scene or I I felt disturbed by the behaviour of boys in their words or gestures in the street or in bars for example depicts for me a certain situation of inequality because I felt helpless in front of boys who felt superior to me and acting accordingly.
4.What is you feeling when you think about inequalities between women and men ? Je suis révoltée par les inégalités hommes-femmes car on se rend compte que même avec les progrès tels que le droit de vote des femmes en 1944 (ce qui est quand même très tard comparé au droit de vote des hommes), encore aujourd’hui en 2018, une femme gagne moins qu’un garçon ou a plus de difficultés a trouver du travail juste parce que c’est une fille alors même si elle est plus qualifiée que l’homme. J’espère réellement que les femmes vont continuer de se battre pour leur droit et que les jeunes femmes de ma génération trouverons des solutions pour changer les choses et pour que les femmes et hommes soient vu comme deux êtres totalement égaux. I am appalled by gender inequalities because we realize that even with progress such as the right to vote of women in 1944 (which is still very late compared to the right to vote of men), even today in 2018, a woman earns less than a boy or has more difficulty finding work just because she is a girl even if she is can be better qualified than a man. I really hope that women will continue to fight for their rights and that young women of my generation will find solutions to change things and that women and men are seen as two totally equal beings. because she is a girl even if she is can be better qualified than a man. I really hope that women will continue to fight for their rights and that young women of my generation will find solutions to change things and that women and men are seen as two totally equal beings.
5. No, I do not really think that boys and girls are born equal because, throughout the life of a girl, she will feel inequalities with boys, whether at school, at work, in the street … And as a student in high school and in college, teachers talk a lot about inequalities, wage differences, the glass ceiling but no one explains how to fight these inequalities so it proves that it is inked in society. In addition, I find that the disrespectful behavior of some boys towards women shows that they themselves do not consider women to be equal or else they would not allow this kind of things.

character 4 : Pierre, anti-fa militant, 21 years old
1. For me man and woman are different concepts than male and female and are linked to gender as a social concept, therefore a man is someone whose gender is perceived or performed as masculine and a woman is someone whose gender is perceived or performed as feminine.
2. In my opinion the most important difference between men and women is the way society expects them to behave when confronted to the opposite gender in social interactions.
3. Yes, in many situations, but the one I observe and despise the most is performed during family meetings or dinners during which the men speak at the table drinking (about politics or whatever) while the women are expected to manage the housework.
4. I think inequalities between men and women are harmful to our societies as a whole and also to individuals and their psychological development and I wish as every social inequalities those should be called out and methodically deconstructed and destroyed.
5. I think the current gender inequalities implies that women are born socially “inferior” (disadvantaged) compared to men while they would obviously be equal to men without that power dynamic.

character 5 : Adrian, Portuguese artist (theater), 27 years old
1. For me a woman and a man are human beings, social living beings which live on the planet Earth .
2. The biggest difference is the social image attributed to every sex.
3. No I do not believe or then yes all the time: the ordinary sexism but I have no concrete example
4. I don’t understand how it’s possible and why? Everybody know but nobody do something and just think like « is like that ». Points of view politics of certain country as well as the fact as him is completely assumed irritates me.
5. It depends, I think yes because of the education, the town or the people who you’ve been with. In the other hand no because of the view of the society.

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