Stay Pawsitive

Iliana Delikari
Dare to Challenge
3 min readJan 23, 2016


  1. teworthy that the human being always wanted more than one could get, it is in our nature. In order to dominate the world humans have exploited the environment and animals. Our purpose is to remind the world that nothing lasts forever and that we should take care of what we own and we care of. As an organization we care and fight for the animals in need and we believe that each and every animal on earth has as much right to be here as you and me. As an organization we care and fight for the animals in need and we believe that each and every animal on earth has as much right to be here as you and me.

2. Our goal was to set up a group that would target the protection of the strays, raise awareness to the world and finally persuade people to adopt and not buy. To achieve the above, we concluded at the organization of mini events, in cooperation with animal welfare corporations, in order to inform the owners about the diseases and the need for sterilization. Another thought was the organization of games and competitions where the winner would win a stray puppy/dog. Our final idea was the set up of puppy rooms through which the person concerned with the adoption, may get the chance to play with the puppies and get to know the dogs which are available for adoption.

3. Unfortunately, after having discussed our ideas with our classmates and our instructor, Betty Tsakarestou, we understood that we had opened too many fields of action. As a result we decided to reduce our sectors of activity. That’s why we ended up acting through our Facebook page and specifically through our hashtag (#Stay_pawsitive).

4. As far as the field of collaboration is concerned, we decided to cooperate with the animal welfare and the municipality of Kifissia in order to see if on the one hand they were interested for what we had to promote and on the other hand whether our idea could somehow be realized.

5. The municipality of Kifissia was willing to collaborate with us and help the animals in need while using the Hashtag we came up with through social media. The only problem was that they did not have the income to support us. The welfare of Kifissia found our idea unique and were willing to support us by using our Hashtag through their pages on social media, in order to find a home for all those animals in need. They were also interested on supporting us to raise awareness to the world on the importance on adopting and not buying from pet shops.

6. The world’s response was extremely satisfying at a small period of time. We decided to create a Facebook page in order to make our cause known. We also came up with a hashtag (#Stay_pawsitive) which went viral and many started using it at their photos with their pets. In our surprise, we received many messages of people willing to help us with our purpose, offering any kind of assistance. The page we created on Facebook has already 200+ likes which number is increasing day by day.



Iliana Delikari
Dare to Challenge

Communication,Media and Culture Student,Panteion University.