Anastasia Zapadioti
Dare to Challenge
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2016

If we challenge someone today to define how the current business market is composed, this person would probably conceive the idea of creative, optimistic and clever people, who have been incorporated by powerful companies. That those persons work hard to present great results. They may be well educated, with broadened intellectual horizons and balanced health conditions.

However, the idea of a company reputed for its diversity, which embraces people regarding to his/her skills and abilities does not come straight to our mind. What would we say now if a company was hiring people with mental disorders to control and test focal points of its proper function? And what would we say if these people dealed with their work better than anyone else?

This is exactly what our benchmark company, Specialistern, did. The denish company has been the first one to incorporate people with autism disorders in the working environment and, after all, proved that these people seem to be the best software testers and quality controllers in the world.

In contrast to common belief, Specialistern showed that autistic people, who have repeatedly been excluded or marginalized by society and maybe friends or family, have truly a lot to offer to science, technology and improvement. So, these fields are going to be the ones of our action, as well as health, corporate values of the 21st century and the business market circumstances.

Inspired by this company, our goal is to uncover as many Greek leading companies that have followed Specialistern’s example, as we can, and then contact with business and doctor specialists to gather information and staff about the unique characteristics of autistic people that specialize them towards the others. After all, our main purpose is to communicate through video campaigns and actions that people with autism disorders are better a competitive advantage in the business market, rather than a “problematic” part of a company’s function.

What leads us now to explain our project through the prism of the Social Development Goals (SDG), according to the UN organization and the 2030 year objectives, is:

1. Decent work and economic growth: “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.”

2. Reduced inequalities: “Reduced inequalities within and among countries.”

3. Partnership for the goals: “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.”

Indeed, as we previously mentioned it, our research will be used to prove the sustainability and the advantage to integrate people with autism disorders within companies or startups specialized in new technologies. Embracing diversity and including people with differences is one of the main condition to respond the 21th challenges. And this action will reduce inequalities between people as well as provide employment for those who are usually excluded of the working area. Finally, in giving examples from various countries and initiatives towards people with autism in Europe, we hope to create bounds between social innovators who have the same objective. In starting to get contact in Greece, we will try to promote ideas and enlarge the communication around this topic.

At this point, we would like to thank miss Betty Tsakarestou (Professor and Head of Advertising and Pr Lab at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture, Panteion University), for inspiring us through “Social Issues, Social Innovation and Corporate Responsibility” class to come in touch with such an issue and be part of the effort in favor of autistic people.

To change the corporate values of the 21st century business market, especially here in Greece, is maybe one of our biggest deals! Let’s figure out how we can make it!



Anastasia Zapadioti
Dare to Challenge

Panteion University, Department of Communication, Media and Culture • PR - Marketer Enthousiast in the making➰