Kids With Love

For a better education in little villages in Morocco

Kids With Love
Dare to Challenge
4 min readJan 14, 2022


Beginning of the story

In 2019, before Covid-19 and all the sad pandemic, Farah had a wonderful opportunity : go to Morocco to initiate humanitarian action with her friends. They had to build a stadium for children, in a small village without money and resources. After many days, the stadium was built and children were very happy and grateful. Several pictures will follow, which will show you how happy the children were after this precious help from the association in which Farah was involved.

When Farah returned from this trip, she was very emotional about all this love and satisfaction to help someone in need. She recounted this humanitarian trip to me, and I was so fascinated. Help and care for people who need it, is a value for us. After some reflection, we noticed the lack of access to education in this village. Children had a school but conditions to learn were not satisfying. Then , we felt compelled to act.

If you want to know more about it, Farah did a testimony about her trip on this link :

The Dare to challenge was THE moment to talk about this issue. It’s not only a moroccan issue, but a world issue in all the underdeveloped countries and regions.

What are the real issues

17% of the world’s children, adolescents and youth, are out of school. 200 million of children will not attend school in 2030.

There are so many issues with education in world and in Morocco, like too many students per class, not enough resources for good education, not real class levels… Education in this village in Morocco was totally the opposite of France.

What is Kids With Love

First of all, our project is born as an NGO. We can take as an example Syria Charity, which works in a similar way to what we want to do. Our main missions will be to help and accompany Moroccan children in their schooling. Our ultimate goal is to give all Moroccan children from poor villages the same quality of education and the same opportunities for the future as children in France. We have therefore named our NGO Kids With Love, with this logo.

For our first missions, we decided to raise money, with fundraising, raffles or selling cakes. Then we decided to raise material for school, new or second hand to recycle. And our « first last » mission will be about our own improvement, to recruit volunteers and to be known by the largest number of people.

Finally, to bring our project idea to real life, we interviewed a person who was part of the humanitarian trip with Farah, and one school teacher in Morocco who we spoke to by phone, and we created a questionnaire to better understand our problem and issues. We collected about 170 responses, which allowed us to better determine our was proposed to create a real follow-up of children in difficulty (school or financial), to equip homes with technology in order to introduce online education, or to facilitate teacher training. The interview brought us the idea of facilitating extra-curricular activities in order to create new passions/vocations in children.some people felt that humanitarian action in Morocco was not a priority. They thought that some countries like Ethiopia or Afghanistan would need it more. Secondly, some humanitarian aid has been the cause of tragedies, which leads respondents to be skeptical about NGO. Some of the responses refer to the Oxfam case which, after having carried out numerous humanitarian interventions in Haiti, was accused of sexual harassment and rape. We obviously consider these acts as crimes against humanity, but we can understand this mistrust. We will therefore do our utmost to be as transparent and knowledgeable as possible on these matters.

Thanks :)

We hope that our project interests you and that you can will be part of us if one day we succeed in bringing it to a successful conclusion. Thanks for your interest and much love for you ❤

Farah Birhadiouen and Alicia Lechaux

