Lazaros Andrianos
Dare to Challenge
Published in
1 min readJan 18, 2019


“Life Below Water”

Our team is consisted of : Ilias Solomos Sofia Mazokopaki Dimitris Plastourgos Nefeli Staikoura Lazaros Andrianos

An Idea is Born
This is an article that talks about an acquaintance of 5 students, a common concern about a problem we are facing these days and the finding of a solution about this problem.

Gathering the information we provided with from the three interviews (from the fishermen of Kefallonia) we started wondering what we could do to stop these illegal methods used by a plethora of fishermen. It was very difficult to decide what we should do, stop the illegal fishing but also not to harm with a destructive way the fishermen.

For one more time, many suggestions were spoken and we all tried to come to a final decision. After this brain — storming we came to an idea. First and foremost it is vital that fisheries be imposed to strict management plans. So we present to you an application that offers an easy way, in order to prevent fishermen and humans from acting illegally and using unsustainable fishing practices to fish and gain money out of it. Our application is named “Stop Illegal Fishing” which has as a basic function the Report of illegal actions each individual witnesses.

