Revolemon — Living in a city

Revolemon Story-Part 2

Elena Pasiakou
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2016


Nowadays more and more people choose to live in a city center in order to persue jobs,education,opportunities and generally things that are supposed to make them happy. Unfortunately it seems to be a juxtaposition to it. Instead of being happy they end up sad and tired. One of the reasons is that they wake up every day and walk into a grey world. Our cities are full of grey, dull buildings that are often filled with dirt or offending messages on the walls. This image screams of exasperation and abandonment. This image needs to be changed.

The solution to this problem could possibly be found in grassroots initiatives, in individuals and neighbors that are sick and tired of this situation but dare to take the challenge and dream of a better city. Aspiration and creativity are all it takes for a group to take action and change things. In that way, group after group can do something, and neighborhood after neighborhood will be more beautiful. Then our cities will truly change.

Revolemon is a group like that. A group of five students from, Panteion University in Athens Greece.

We took brooms, brushes, painting colors and combined them with our creativity and imagination. We cleaned up a neglected spot near a park in Athens and then we painted it to cover the written things that covered the walls. Then we filled the walls with colors by painting a tree,flowers and balloons! By the time we were done the place was unrecognizable.

It was not our neighborhood so the happy spot would not affect us directly. Yet the fact that we knew that we were a little drop in this sea of change ,that we dreamed about, was so rewarding. And even more when some passing by neighbors thanked us for upgrading their area. It was a unique experience for us. One that persuade us that if there is will small things can lead to huge ones if each of us dares to challenge and dream!

The Revolemon team Elena Constantinidy Αγάπη Μυργιώτη danaizachariou Irilena Varella



Elena Pasiakou
Dare to Challenge

Athens, Greece. MSc Media and Refugee/Migration Flows. BS Communication, Media and Culture. Passions: photography, books, travels, fashion, sustainability.