Online tutoring with BRAINON

alexia leuillet
Dare to Challenge
7 min readFeb 22, 2024


The original idea that inspired the creation of the project BRAINON was the fact that young people nowadays pass a lot of their free time scrolling through social media and, as a team, we thought that it would be a good opportunity for them to invest this time in doing something productive instead of just wasting it.

We started by doing research on the most popular app today worldwide. Results showed that Instagram is the most famous among all of them, so we decided to use its virality to attract as much youth as possible. The basic idea was to take advantage of the communication facilities that this app offers and get the students to interact with one another and finally create a community of mutual academic aid.

At this point, it is important to observe how fast technology evolves and how everything has the tendency to become digital. That applies to all fields, even education. That can be proven by just observing our everyday life: We communicate mainly via messaging, we shop online, we use AI for almost everything etc. The same applies with social media as they already play a vital role in our everyday lives and that will most likely be intensified in the future. Our team thinks ahead of its time and believes that BRAINON will be beneficial for both the students today but also for the students tomorrow as it combines the world’s number one app with the future of the educational system.

After finding our idea, it was time to start developing it. To do this, we went through several stages that we will see later. To start, we thought about 5 reasons to do our project to better understand it and motivate us: BRAINON would become a solution to have a collective learning experience. In addition, our project could create a new community within students by facilitating interactions between them. It will also allow for greater inclusiveness and accessibility. Creating an online platform would be useful to adapt to technology, which is necessary nowadays. It was also important for us to adapt to modern education. Thanks to these 5 reasons, we were able to better understand where we wanted to go and this motivated us to continue our project.

In order to progress in our project, we had to inform ourselves with our target, that is, the students. Before questioning them, we created canvas personas, which we used to try to target certain categories of students that we could meet during interviews. We have categorized 3: students who have difficulty with their courses, students who succeed with their courses and can then offer their help, and finally students who are very busy and who cannot necessarily participate in our project or very little. Before we conducted our interviews, we created a plan for them to be structured: we wanted to ask them if they were interested, if they preferred to help or be helped. We also wanted to know their availability and if they had something to add to our project.

So we interviewed a total of 8 people and we learned 5 great things following these interviews: students easily understand our project, we understood that we had to create a whatapps group to facilitate exchanges. It is also important to talk and chat with our users and that students need a lot of help. And finally, that they are happy to help and be helped.

The core idea for our social innovation solution arose from the need to address the challenge of accessibility and flexibility in education, particularly for individuals who are unable to pursue traditional university education due to work or other life situations. The issue of time constraints preventing individuals from attending university or pursuing further education is a significant barrier to personal and professional development. Many people find themselves unable to commit to full-time education due to work, family, or other responsibilities.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted our attitudes towards online education and made it a popular and viable alternative to traditional in-person learning. This has opened up new possibilities for individuals to access education and training that fits around their existing commitments. Online courses provide a flexible and convenient way for individuals to acquire new skills, change careers, or pursue further education, regardless of their location or schedule.

The importance of addressing this issue is underscored by the fact that access to education and training is crucial for personal and professional growth, as well as for economic and social development. According to the World Economic Forum, the demand for upskilling and reskilling is on the rise, with technological advancements and changing job markets requiring individuals to continuously update their skills and knowledge.

We selected the specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) challenge of Quality Education (SDG 4) as the focus for our social innovation solution because it directly aligns with the goal of providing inclusive and equitable education for all. By leveraging the power of online education, we aim to break down the barriers that prevent individuals from accessing quality education and training, empowering them to pursue their educational and career aspirations on their own terms.

Our solution not only addresses the immediate need for flexible and accessible education but also supports the broader goal of promoting lifelong learning and skill development, as outlined in SDG 4. By developing an innovative online education platform, we aim to provide individuals with the opportunity to study in their own space, at their own pace, and from any location in the world. This approach not only benefits individuals seeking education but also contributes to the overall advancement of society by ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of their life circumstances.

During our first discussions as a group, we developed several initial ideas, such as creating a complete website of online courses, but we understand that we are not professionals and don’t have any certificates. just as we wanted to speak with professionals and have sponsors, but once again we realized that we were not professional. From these initial conclusions, we learned that building a project was not simple, that throughout our journey we would have to respond to several issues and complications. we were worried that there would be too many errors in our construction, that we would not be able to help the students. We also had difficulty interviewing students, but we found time for them. Our goal was to help the students as best we could. Thanks to the whatsapp group, the subscribers on our Instagram and the numerous visits to our BRAINON site, we are proud of our project, and we are proud to present it to the rest of the class.

But we learned to manage our difficulties as a group, to take into account the requests of our users, the students, and to work hand in hand with them, so that our final result satisfies them as best as possible. When we returned to the class, our classmates seemed interested in our project as did our teacher. We want to expand our project, and that BRAINON can continue every year to help students and be a real interactive platform.

In the realm of innovation, the journey from conceptualizing a groundbreaking idea like BRAINON — an online platform designed by students for students to address academic challenges — to making a tangible impact in the real world is both complex and enlightening. This journey not only demands a visionary idea but also an in-depth understanding of the target audience’s needs, strategic execution, and the agility to adapt and evolve. Herein lies a reflection on this process, encapsulating key learnings and offering advice to future innovators embarking on their own quests to transform society. The genesis of any innovation is rooted in a profound understanding of the need it aims to fulfill. The development of BRAINON underscored the importance of empathy and meticulous research. By engaging directly with students struggling to grasp various subjects, the project team could tailor the platform to genuinely solve their academic woes. This phase taught the invaluable lesson that solutions must be deeply anchored in the realities of those they intend to help. Transitioning from idea to action entails building a prototype — a step that brings the concept into the tangible realm. The creation of BRAINON’s minimum viable product (MVP) illuminated the iterative nature of development and the critical role of user feedback. Future innovators should prioritize core functionalities that address the main problem, using early feedback to iterate and enhance the product. At the heart of BRAINON’s success is its vibrant community, which emerged as a testament to the power of collective support and collaboration. Building this community was not incidental; it required deliberate efforts to engage users, encourage sharing, and cultivate a sense of belonging. The lesson here for future innovators is to view their audience not just as users but as co-creators and ambassadors of the solution. A strong community not only enriches the platform but also propels its growth through organic advocacy.

In conclusion, the transition from a good idea to making a real-world impact is a multifaceted and dynamic journey that demands resilience, adaptability, and a deep commitment to solving real-world problems. For those poised to embark on this path, remember: the impact of innovation is measured not by the idea itself but by the ability to bring that idea to life in a way that meaningfully improves the lives of those it aims to serve. Embrace the journey, for it is in the process of overcoming challenges that true innovation is born and nurtured.

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