“Play with your food” project

Eftychia Past
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2016

A story of Eftychia, Lefki, Maria & Aggeliki…

From the first step to vision about our challenge..

At the Course “Social Issues and Corporate Responsibility” which is linked with “Dare to Challenge” project, our Professor mrs. Betty Tsakarestou ask to us to create a real start-up business in order to solve a social problem and to implement our challenge.

In this direction we decided to talk about the problem of childhood obesity, which has turned out to be a plague in our country during the last few years. According to the recent European survey “Toy Box” Greece comes second in obesity of preschool age children. This is a very serious problem considering the fact, that at this age each person’s eating habits are defined.

Taking into account that parents in Greece consult pediatricians concerning their children’s diet, we have searched for the route of the problem in the fields of pediatrics and nutrition talking to experts. From our discussions with them we have reached the following conclusions .The Epigenetics, the Infertily, the Suckling, Social, living and finicial situation. All these are some of the serious causes of obesity.

Then we have built our digital communicative strategy through the creation of a child hero named Ploutos, whose motto is “Play with your food”. We have created a facebook group and a twitter account where Ploutos proposes ideas to parents on how they can combine eating with playing. The goal is the children to obtain healthy eating habits in an entertaining way. Parents can share their experiences and also send us photos or videos of their actions in order to urge other people to do the same.

Our vision is to create a large community with the above motto, to organize events-workshops with the participation of experts where Ploutos can teach children all about healthy diet through interactive activities and the adoption of our ideas not only by parents but also outside the house, by the school and by the state. Finally, we dream about creating a digital platform where parents, experts and journalist can share ideas, making a game in which Ploutos will teach children the nutritional value of various foods and cooperating with companies in the field of fruit and vegetables which will contribute to the main idea by making their products more attractive to children as part of their Business Social Liability project.

Dare to Challenge!!!



Eftychia Past
Dare to Challenge

Student at Panteio Uni in the department of Communication, Media and Culture, member at Adverisement & Public Relations lab.