Afroheart — Part 4

Lilia Efthimiou
Dare to Challenge
Published in
1 min readJan 19, 2016

Hello world! We are Afroheart, a nongovernmental organization trying to create a better world, by optimizing the health system via a mobile health booklet application. Beginning with Freetown and then continue to the rest of the African world!

Paul feels sick. He visits the local doctor, and the last comparing Paul’s symptoms to his previous health history saved on the application, subscribes him a medical treatment.( What if Paul is allergic to the treatment? Don’t be ridiculous! If Paul had previously contacted the hazard ingredients, a relevant reference would had popped up as a notification on the application! The doctor would had avoid that specific treatment! Also if Paul’s close relatives had also an allergy on anything the notification would had already alert the doctor! If Paul, regardless the previous warnings has an allergy on something new, well…that’s a different story. But the application will ensure that such a tragedy won’t happen again. So…What else can the application provide?

Find out on: , ,, or just keep reading.

(Inspired by: OpenIdeo)


Efthimiou Lygeri-Evangelia

Konstantina Eirini Zouni

Mavrommati Kyriaki

Nikolaou Chrystalla

Thymide Alexandra



Lilia Efthimiou
Dare to Challenge

Student at Panteion University : Communication, media & Culture // Orientation : Advertising and Marketing