Project W for UNESCO’s #GlobalMILWeek

Χριστίνα Βασιλάκη
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2021

Since it was a celebration we wanted to submit a fun and creative participation to this project !

Check out our mini animated clip here!

Out of the 10 ways that UNESCO proposed on how to celebrate Media & Information Literacy Week 2020 we chose to use social media to raise awareness about MIL in civil society.

We so much wanted to have a great impact to people and to actually prompt someone to celebrate with us. So, we thought that there is no better way to inspire and motivate people than using Social Media platforms. Because the same way that misinformation happens , can also work for learning how to resist it and to raise awareness about false information on Social Media in general. Nowadays, picture and any visual material, really, hold great privilege against text, so what we decided to do was to fit all of our thoughts about those topics into a short video.

Check out our mini animated clip here!

The video’s overall goal was to promote media and information literacy. We included that on our Facebook and Instagram posts in which we were prompting more and more people to check out 2020 Global MIL Week. We tried our best to make citizens aware of the benefits of MIL competencies to their daily lives and to suggest that doing serious research before you believe whatever you see on the Internet is not a skippable option. If anything, it only makes you feel more safe!

We hope that with our action on that matter more people start to realise the importance of resisting misinformation and that in reality they are the ones to choose whether to be influenced or informed, not Social Media.

Team’s members: Elena Alid Crystal Ioulia Ntoka Eleni Perperidou Basiliki Tomazou

Professor: Betty Tsakarestou

