RefVoice experience: learnings and inspirations

Maria Vasilakou
Dare to Challenge
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2017

When I first joined the RefVoice project that Mary started a year ago, I couldn’t imagine how many things I was going to learn. I couldn’t imagine the difficulties Mary, Stavroula and I were going to meet but also the solutions that always led to an important progress. The team work managed to overcome many problems and gave us strength to keep trying the best for RefVoice goals.

First of all, this project offered me knowledge about different things and sectors. I always was aware of social issues but being engaged practically with one was a completely different process. More specific, I made some research about refugees crisis in Greece and I met refugees and immigrants. They actually talk to our team about their stories, the countries they came from, their civilization, their ideas and their everyday life right now. Personally, I had discussions with friends, fellow students and some strangers about what they think of this issue and our project. We actually asked them specific questions on online answer sheets. All these were very enlightening for me because it helped me understand better the need we were solving as a social project, our finally purpose and the way I can help as an individual.

Beyond the theoretical part of our project, there was a practical part with which I hadn’t occupied before. This is the marketing part which I found difficult because I hadn’t develop marketing skills so far. However, it was a challenge for me and I learned many things about users, customers and what are their requirements. Of course, I still have many things to learn for this department but my participation in RefVoice was a good start.

Furthermore, what helped me be active and innovative were my communication skills which I used to accomplish a good contribution to my team work. While I was trying to promote RefVoice I met people and I contacted some I already knew which I thought they were the right ones to help our aim. Among them it was Rashed, a Syrian immigrant. He gave us a personal interview and he agreed to come to our Social issues and Social innovations lab to share his story and his photography project in public. In addition, I contacted with a friend of mine which is a film director and he helped us produce a short documentary film with the story of Rashed’s life. The film will be to ready to show in a few days and RefVoice team is very excited about it!

Finally, the best things I learned from RefVoice project were the power of will and the importance of team work. I am thankful to all the people that helped us somehow on what we do for social intergation and free expression of refugees. All of them appreciated our purpose and they were willing to aim without asking for direct material benefit. Also, they inspired me with their ideas and their knowledge depending on their occupation. Of course, I am grateful to my team Stavroula Pollatou and Mary Bouli that taught me lots, never gave up to our beliefs and our goals, had the best ideas and they were always willing and prepared to work. RefVoice was, is and will be “one community, one voice, your voice”.

Our Medium Publication:

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Team members: Mary Bouli, Stavroula Pollatou, Maria Vasilakou



Maria Vasilakou
Dare to Challenge

Studying Communication Media and Culture at Panteion Univercity. Major in Culture studies. Studying Dance Professionally.