Resisting Disinfodemic

Vasiliki Arapogiorgi
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2021

Following United Nations’ updates, we became part of the global UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Celebration Week 2020, held from 24 to 31 of October.

With inspiration quote: “Media & Information Literacy for Everyone by Everyone”, we, Tracker Net, believe that it is our duty to face disinformation by providing good quality information, identified sources and transparency.

That week we focused on the youth, as they are the major users of information, media and new communication technologies. We organised our own MIL Week for young people, called “From giving the voice, to being the voice”.

Youth speaking to youth and youth speaking to adults are powerful ways to empower them to be active promoters of MIL.

In our webcast, we discussed about the red flags in a post on the social media and the 5 laws of Media and Information Literacy, introduced by UNESCO.

Our poster for UNESCO’s MIL Week

Here you can see our online event and the information posted.

The next step was to give to the youth the opportunity to be ambassadors of our NGO, in our forum, to fully implement the principles of Media and Information Literacy.

We hope in a world with free, yet safe news spreading and, also, we want a youth aware and well-informed.

Keep in touch and follow us via our site, Medium, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to learn more about the journey of Tracker Net.

You can read our complete case study here.

Tracker Net Team Members: Αγγελική Κλήμη, Elisavet Liapi, Billy Mpakas,

Our professor: Betty Tsakarestou



Vasiliki Arapogiorgi
Dare to Challenge

Student of Communication, Media and Culture in Panteion University, Athens, Greece