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Roots & Routes: Unlocking Potential Through Education

Dare to Challenge
Published in
9 min readFeb 22, 2024


Roots & Routes is most likely a name that you are not familiar with. This Non Governmental Organisation was established in the winter of 2023 by 7 university students during a class of professor Betty Tsakarestou in Panteion University. Semeli Giatrakou (Sam Gtk) is the outreach coordinator of the team, Jiju Jerry (Jiju Jerry) is the social media manager, Eva Mastoropolou (Eva Mast.) the curriculum administrator, Sofia Nicolouzou (Σοφία Νικολούζου) the public relations manager, Giorgos Roussis (ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΡΟΥΣΣΗΣ) is the project manager, Elena Shahini (Elen Sa) the graphic designer and Giannis Tziavaras (Giannis tziavaras) the head of research.

We aim to come after other NGOs and provide extra work. We have chosen Medecins Sans Frontieres as our first collaborator and we will provide education to people treated by them.

Roots stands for the respect of the culture and traditions of every community. We have rigorous dedication to this value while introducing to unprogressive communities, in a slow pace, some values of equality e.g. the rights of the women. Continuing, our goal is to “construct” some Routes that can be followed after the humanitarian assistance leaves. Our motto is: “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”.

Roots & Routes was made from a shared belief among our founding members that education is the cornerstone of progress and empowerment. We recognized a huge disparity in educational opportunities, particularly in remote areas of developing countries. This realization fueled our mission to address this pressing issue, leading us to align our efforts with Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education. Witnessing the struggles of individuals who lacked even the most basic knowledge and skills underscored the urgency of our cause. We were troubled by the fact that despite the immense importance of education, it remained a neglected area on the global agenda. This realization served as a catalyst for action. We understood that education was not just a fundamental right but also a pathway to a better future for individuals and communities alike.

Our decision to establish Roots & Routes was driven by a sense of responsibility to address this educational deficit head-on. We recognized that education is not just about imparting knowledge but also about empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives and contribute meaningfully to society. Our commitment to this cause led us to embark on a journey to create an organization that would make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. We envisioned a world where every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, would have access to quality education.

At the heart of our initiative lies a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of education. We understand that education has the potential to break the cycle of poverty, foster social cohesion, and drive sustainable development. By focusing our efforts on education, we aim to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to overcome barriers and seize opportunities. Our ultimate goal is to create a more equitable world where everyone has the chance to realize their full potential. Also we created all the necessary means to contact us such as websites and social media as these platforms make finding us very easy for those who are in need.

Roots & Routes was founded on the principle that education is not just a privilege but a fundamental human right. Our commitment to this principle is the driving force on everything we do, from designing educational programs to forging partnerships with like-minded organizations. Through our collective efforts, we strive to build a brighter future for generations to come.

Here are our points for why we chose this field:

  1. We live in a world of inequalities, with 250 million children out of school.
  2. Education should be a right to everyone.
  3. To give hope to all new generations that they can change the world through education.
  4. Addressing global challenges in a world facing diverse problems, from health crises to environmental issues, educated and skilled individuals are better equipped to contribute to solutions.
  5. Wanting to contribute in creating a society where everyone has equal opportunities.

Our values as an organization are numerous and we try to have them to apply in every aspect possible of people’s lives.

First of all, we set caring as a base for our values. We try to understand every possible situation someone can be going through, light or not, in order to help them the best way possible and with every force we have. This is where we add our dedication. We are highly committed to helping others and trying our best to improve or even eliminate their difficulties.

Something important to us is, also, our integrity. We always try to do what is right and be honest and responsible for each and every one of our actions. However, we surely acknowledge that we do not know everything. That is why it is important to have humility, and thus we are open to new knowledge and to learn from others while we stay humble in our work.

In our values, we also include equality. We highly support that everyone should be treated fairly, equally and with respect. To us, it doesn’t matter where someone is coming from or what their background is. The only thing that matters is that they have the same chances as everyone else. With that being said, inclusion can not be missing from our values. Apart from socially regarding issues, money is also a big factor that usually results in exclusion. We set as a goal to never exclude someone based on their financial situation, in order for everybody to have equal opportunities.

Lastly, we would like to point out that innovation is a part of our actions. We encourage both members of our team and others, like contractors, as well, to think of new and creative ideas and ways to make sufficient communities and find better and improved solutions. Along with that, we try to be as adaptable as possible. We aspire to be the best version of ourselves and that is why we are willing to change plans, in order to make sure we are doing a good job.

We, Roots & Routes, have clear intentions on educating the people of the communities we come in touch with. For us, education has multiple aspects and it’s not limited to what is taught in classrooms. School education is totally mandatory for children and we aim for it, but what happens with their struggling and uneducated hard working parents? If they have no education at all, how are they going to believe the impact of it on their children? If they have never learned some basic rules of keeping their lives and jobs sustainable, how are they going to progress?

Our team envisions the developing countries to become developed, starving people not dying from hunger and those who receive once in a while humanitarian assistance to receive basic education as well. We want to partner with a very successful NGO with which we share the same values and willingness to provide assistance to humans. R&R’s main goal, at first, is to come after Medecins Sans Frontieres and empower their work even further by educating these people.

“Sky’s the limit”. Many people use that phrase to express their high ambitions and the belief that everyone is capable of achieving their great goals. Have you ever wondered about the limit of someone who has never seen the sky?

Concerning our operational tactics, our work has as a starting point the medical help that Doctors Without Borders will have provided already in different communities. This NGO is well respected for its transparent non profit character and their work which is always away from discrimination. Also, their staff of 68,000 professionals helps tens of million people every year in more than 70 countries. In that way we will be able to help people that have had hard medical experiences in their lives. To these people we aim to provide a better future, starting from basic educational skills. In particular our target group is directly affected people.

Firstly, children and youth that are the primary beneficiaries of educational programs. Foundational education and skill development are the first step for putting their lives in the right order. Secondary beneficiaries are parents and guardians that, of course, prioritize their children’s well-being and education. As a next step, we collaborate with local educators that are already implementing educational programs, and alongside we train local individuals to contribute in the continuous educational efforts. In order to have the green light to operate correctly, we need the consensus opinion of the community leaders. As well as the corporation with local businesses that will give future employment opportunities.

Additionally, we have created two proto personas about two imaginary partners. Firstly, there is Carla, a 32 year old licensed school teacher. Having been raised in growing countries and wanting to help, she decided to cooperate with Roots & Routes to help MSF and offer the services she can provide. Taking action on the fields that the doctors work, she helps children that are now healthy, with tasks such as reading, writing and communicating properly.

Then we have Steven, a 35 year old volunteer in Roots & Routes, who cares about children having a better chance in life. Taking action in growing countries, he helps people to learn important skills, like fishing, in order for them to take life in their own hands.

As you can see, we will be collaborating both with locals who want to support their own communities as well as with people coming from all over the globe to provide humanitarian assistance.

Continuing, our NGO provides an excellent starting point in education, for people to have a great potential in the upcoming years. Basic knowledge that can go a long way. Starting off with basic arithmetic and mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). These are the first things you should know as you get older, when you do not want to get scammed in everyday tasks, such as financial transactions. Next is knowledge of history. Knowing the evolution of the world and the facts that lead up to today’s circumstances, gives people the opportunity to have a deeper understanding of what is happening. Another fundamental knowledge is the rights that apply to every individual, in order to prevent violations caused by lack of education.

More practical skills of education we provide is first aid training. How to treat wounds and illnesses and what to do while waiting for the actual medical staff to take action. In addition we aim to ensure access to a quantity of healthy food. This means helping farmers increase their production, by showing them new methods and cheap, natural and easy-to-find fertilizers that can boost their production. In addition, introduce new methods to the multifaceted science of fishing (prediction of fish’s roots, use of suitable bait for specific species etc.), for the result to be better and to cover more needs.

As a Non Governmental Organization we can be helped by everyday people. There are some ways to help our work.

Get in touch with us to join our team. At Roots & Routes, we are open to new ideas and fresh people who are willing to support our work. It’s not about experience, it’s all about people with empathy who want to leave their mark to help the world to be a better place for everyone.

We are open to your feedback on how we work or anything else you would like to discuss with us. Every comment and opinion are welcomed! Either good or bad critics can help us to improve.

You can also support our work financially. Remember, it’s not about the money, but the willingness to help someone who is in need. You can also contact us for more information.

On our Instagram you can stay tuned about our latest projects: @roosnroutesorg

Contact us via email to find out ways to help us and share your thoughts:

On our website you can learn more information about who we are:

On our Miro board you can find our strategic plans and have a taste on how R&R work:


Azoulay, A. (2023, April). 244M children won’t start the new school year. Retrieved from UNESCO:

Home page. (n.d.). Retrieved from ROOTS & ROUTES:

REPORTS AND FINANCES. (n.d.). Retrieved from Medecins Sans Frontieres :

The Global Goals. (n.d.). Retrieved from 4 Quality Education:

WHO WE ARE. (n.d.). Ανάκτηση από Medecins Sans Frontieres :

Ετήσια Αναφορά Δράσης 2022. (2023, September 6). Retrieved from Medecins Sans Frontieres Greece:

