S.D.Gs and Goal 14

Vasilis Kiriakatos
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2019

In the begging of this semester in our Social Issues and Social Innovation lab we were very soon familiarized with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations. We had to form functional teams of creative people to start our journey in this new to us world. Our team consists of Giorgos Zervos, Danai kiritsi, @Labrini harmatzi and me.

The first task by our professor Betty Tsakarestou was to do our research about the SDGs and find a project that relates to us and what we would like to potentially achieve through the Open Ideo platform.

We discussed a lot and shared our concerns about the problems that our world is facing at the moment and the truth is that we were touched by multiple of the 17 goals. The one that we mostly related to though, was Goal 14, or by its full name, Life Below Water. Living in Greece, a country with its roots running deep into the seas, we decided that we needed to adress a problem that affects millions of people and of course us.

Our next step was to go through Open Ideo and search for Initiatives we would find interesting and innovative and of course related to our Goal. Sadly, there was way too little to be found there. A great idea that we shed some light on was one about Floating Plangton farms. But that was not what we were exactly looking for.

Empty handed, desperately seeking for inspiration, we expanded our search outside the Open Ideo environment and we stumbled upon some amazing ocean-related initiatives. Our two favorites were Oceana and 4Ocean for which we also presented in class!

Having a good insight of what is going on around the world, it was time to get our hands dirty, starting off with building our own Project…

Giorgos Zervos Danai kiritsi Lamprini Harmantzi



Vasilis Kiriakatos
Dare to Challenge

Panteion University. Culture, Media and Communication. Ad discovery Lab. P.R and Advertising enthusiast.