Shout against Stress!

Ioulia-Zoi Kyriakoulakou
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2016

You are young, you are only 20 years old, you have the opportunity to discover the world. Why do you cry? Why are you uptight again? Problems? You needn’t be sad about anything ! There are people around the world who deal with more serious problems than yours. Don’t be fool! Don’t annoy me all the time!

And others similar quotes … Stooooop!

Of course, neither I suffer from famine, nor I am in danger because of bombing in Syria, but I deal with many problems, too.I have the right to be stressed, to be myself! I am not just a human-liked (android) robot in which you can turn the control settings with a view to feeling only positive emotions.

I am a human, I am alive and I am stressed! And now, I have to find a method to become stress-free. Really, how do you manage your stress?

Searching on google, you can find many tips like :

1st tip: Relax throughout the day

2nd tip : Quit Work

3rd tip: Simplify your to do-list

What amazing advices!

No way! If I had free time to do the above actions, I wouldn’t be stressed!

If someone ask me , what I can do so as get myself stress-free, I will answer him SHOUT!!!

There are the three steps to control stress:

  1. Understand stress
  2. Go out of town
  3. and SHOUT again and again

But why are we obliged to go out of town and we cannot SHOUT in our home, in the middle of Syntagma square etc ? Don’t be shy, SHOUT!

This is our goal! We are a 6-member-team(Athina Gkouziadi, Fwteinh Stamogiorgou, Eirini Nikolaou, Polyxeni Klini, Ioulia-Zoi Kyriakoulakou, Ergisa Zekio) and we create the SHOUT project .We want to persuade people to be themselves and SHOUT against stress.

Record a video , tell us why you are stressed and SHOUT loudly!



Ioulia-Zoi Kyriakoulakou
Dare to Challenge

Communication, Media and Culture at Panteion University, AD&PR specialiazation || earlybird in photography || twitter: @ioulia_zoe