SHOUT! Project: The website

Eirini Nikolaou
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2016

Startups have to prove themselves with their web design. As a startup, you only have one chance to really make a lasting impression. Your website will be a big reflection of what you are about, or even the only thing that shows what you’re about. It’s a really important way to communicate with those, that are instrested in you. So you have to keep everything simple, so that anyone can understand the message, that you are trying to pass.

As a team we tried to leave our mark, say a few things about who we are, why we are intrested in this particular subject and how are we going to make this possible in real conditions. We tried to keep things as simple as possible, so that anyone can understand the purpose of the project, how they can use our facilities, where they can find us and ofcourse to avoid causing stress or negative emotions to those that are visiting our website. Also our web is connected with our social media accounts, to simplify the process of finding us when needed.

So go check it out and ofcourse leave us comments about is you liked it or not, or even what you liked or disliked in it.

#daretoshare #daretochallenge #shout #theshoutprojectgr

