Teamwork makes the dream work!

Katerina Kaouni
Dare to Challenge
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2016

Our team consists of three members in the context of the course Social Issues,Social Innovation and Corporate Responsibility of Panteion University. From the beginning of this year’s semester we have been asked from our professor to establish a new organization of our choice and give it substance. We had the scope to choose the subject of the organization by ourselves.

So, we sat around the table, and chose a close to us subject regarding millennials’ approach towards an SDG (sustainable development goals) about responsible consumption and production. One of our first steps was to choose which one of the 17 SDG’s we are concerned about and relate more, do some research in a worldwide and local scale and eventually write down an article about our organization, providing more insightful information about it. After that, on the next course we brainstormed about our expectations and thoughts in relation to the frame of the organization. We stressed the main points and made some new decisions about the directions and whereabouts we are going to implement on our social experiments.

Our first challenge was and maybe still is to find a suitable name for our project. For the time being, we chose “#ProjectY” amongst #myselfless #myfutureself. Then we moved on presenting some of our campaign ideas through social media (sites,apps) and events. Moreover we want to promote volunteering through environmental actions firstly on a local level and then globally. Another goal is to encourage companies to give away and #notthrow away the spare food at the end of the day. Last but not least we will also support other campaigns like #conscious by H&M.

While brainstorming we thought the impact we want to have and that was a crucial point in our conversations as many ideas were spoken and we wanted to include them all. So, we want to introduce the green decade campaign, and promote the 3R’s –Reuse, Reduce, Recycle and generally change the concrete lifestyle to ensure a better future and quality of life.

Being part of a team can be sometimes rather challenging. The excellent communication, cooperation and friendly relationships between the members are some of the most important things a team should have in capacity. Also the ability to hear and support everyone’s ideas with constructive feedback and productive discussion is really helpful for the development of the project and the team.

Until now, we have a very good cooperation. We promote our inspirations 24/7, sharing our ideas and thoughts any time. Common goal? Do our best and that’s why we are honest to each other. When we disagree, we try to discuss the matter and reach a conclusion. When someone comes up with a great idea we congratulate and support her. As a team we are full of spontaneity and passion about our university. Our enthusiasm and continuous energy helps us be more and more creative each day and the most important, make us love what we do and our teammates.

So this is our team, Izabella, Margaret and Katerina. We are so different but we have a common vision, to evolve and learn as much things as we can.

The first brainstorming

#ProjectY #Myselfless #Myfutureself

Read also the first article about the subject here.

Co-editors: Margaret Georgiadou Izabella Kefala

Supervisor: Betty Tsakarestou



Katerina Kaouni
Dare to Challenge

Student and employee too! AD & PR @Panteion University | Administrative Assistant @AltiumTraining, Follow me @Kaouni_katerina | Connect with me Katerina Kaouni