The big change comes from smaller ones

Vasiliki Tomazou
Dare to Challenge
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2021

‘’It is about tiny things that can make a huge difference. Tiny solutions that can make a huge amount of impact.’’

Starting this semester, we had the opportunity as third-year Communication students to take the course: Social Issues, Social Innovation, and Corporate Responsibility. It is about the significant global, social, environmental, and economic challenges that are becoming an integral part of sustainable and innovative entrepreneurship culture and action. This course relates to our ongoing project, ’Dare to Challenge’’ where we act as social innovators and take responsibility to create positive impact and change in our communities.

A few words about us

We are a team of six undergraduate students who are passionate about social innovation and change. Our goal is to spread awareness regarding World Peace.

How did we end up together & with such a “Big Issue”?

For starters, it seemed like we were all concerned about different issues. Gender equality, poverty, equal opportunity in a racial context, racism, body shaming, and reducing mental illness stigma. All the above conclude in World Peace.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

World Peace can only be achieved by understanding

One of the reasons we came together as a team is because of this exact sentence. All of us understand the importance of World Peace and cannot stand apathy towards its achievement. Fighting for peace is an oxymoron, but that is the only fight we are eager to pick up.

Following up on our 5 Why’s, we shared our vision on World Peace

For our first project, we watched the United Nation’s 30 minutes film, which tells the story of the world as it is, as it was, and as it could be (Directed by Richard Curtis). ‘’Nations United’’ presents facts, data, and opportunities we have to reimagine and reshape the future. We had to explore and get familiarized with the UN Sustainable Development Goals for this project and associate them with our issue. In our case World Peace.

The world as it is, as it was, and as it could be

After we watched the film, we debated about whether it had an informative tone and urged people to take action or if its purpose was to shock its audience by displaying harsh real-life images/photos. We all agreed that the video’s primary goal is not to be informative, although it spreads valuable information.

Our conclusions

We agreed that the environmental crisis is a ticking bomb that needs immediate action. Also, the interviews of different cultures/races/backgrounds indicate different perspectives of the matter and spread the message: anyone can help, everyone is invited. The video had smooth transitions in between the sustainable development issues, which means the interconnection of them. Working on one social concern can also help to start working on another. Finally, even after mentioning current tragedies such as the COVID-19 health crisis, the video somehow manages to end on a bright note. It uses phrases and quotes that prompt us to act because nothing is lost.

“Nothing can be worse than the return to normality” Climate change, poverty, injustice, gender inequality are bad, but it is worse getting back to them; it is time for a change.’’

Overall, we understand that we all must stick together and act with unity, solidarity, and selflessness. Only then will we be able to accomplish positive change.

Project W: Elena Alid, Crystal, Ioulia Ntoka, Eleni Perperidou, Χριστίνα Βασιλάκη

Our Website

Our Instagram

Lab Professor: Betty Tsakarestou



Vasiliki Tomazou
Dare to Challenge

Communication, Media and Culture //Panteion University