The EDU Project Part IV: “Our experience through User Experience Map”

Xenia Ntavranoglou
Dare to Challenge
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2016

The EDU project is an initiative taken in the framework of the course Social Issues, Social Innovation and Corporate Responsibility ordinated by Assistant Prof Betty Tsakarestou. The initiative is taken by four Panteion University students who wish to challenge the social matter of illiteracy and provide the society with a solution that could bring a little progress to the problem. Specifically, The EDU project is an online platform with complementary, educational material of primary school uploaded by expertised volunteers.

A step before the end of the theoretical part and the beginning of the implementation of our project, being as closer as we could, it is significant to break our concept into parts, creating the appropriate experience map to have a clear visualization of our goals.

Having our fundamental tools, the questionnaire and the interviews ,for the development of the concept from the theory to the action, we gathered the necessary data and we had a first contact with potential “users” that would be willing to participate in the platform.

So, mapping our experience and through the data from the interviews and the questionnaires, we created the ideal persona-user for our platform, who would be willing to contribute to “The Edu Project’’.

“The Edu Project”: User Experience Map

Helen is a 32-year math teacher in primary school of Greece, who is working hard to complete her duties towards the education of kids. Worried about the recent refugee crisis, especially in Greece, Helen wants to offer voluntarily her skills and educational knowledge to the kids, who lucks primary educational knowledge.

As she started from the scratch, making a detailed research through Internet in order to find information about the crisis and ways to help, she found The Edu Project Platform.

Through her surfing on the internet, she realized that many kids are illiterate and they don’t have access in primary education. The belief of Helen in a better future and in ideals like “education is a human right’’, she decided to take action by uploading some of her math material, like books and notes.

But Helen didn’t remain in uploading material. The opportunity of uploading also, e-learning videos impelled Helen to a bigger step. After every teaching class, she was gradually recording one-hour videos presenting math courses, which she uploaded to the platform and in this way she supported dynamically the platform and the reduction of illiteracy.

Helen could be for our project the most appropriate user and model, who confirms our goals through her motivation,willingness and higher education in association with her ethical values. She constitutes a definitive factor, not only for the functionality of our platform, but also for the promotion of literacy’s values.

So..set sail for action!

Our Team: Katerina Tsigarida Danai Kontitsi Ioanna Thanasi



Xenia Ntavranoglou
Dare to Challenge

Panteion University of Athens/ Social and Political Sciences/ BSc & MA Communication, Media and Culture