The first attempt (part 2)

konstantina pritsiouli
Dare to Challenge
Published in
1 min readJan 21, 2019

We are the Hear Us Shout Organization. Our goal is to eliminate phenomenons such us catcalling and harassment.

Our second step as a team was to write on a piece of paper the two main goals we’d like to deal with in the first place. The first one was equality for the LGBTQ+ community and the second one was equality between women and men. (inequality in the workplace, stereotypes in ads etc.)

We also wrote down some ideas of how inequality could be eliminated in those sectors. We thought that an interesting idea would be to create a website, as a meeting point for lgbtq+ members and women who feel violated, in order to talk to each other. Another idea was to sensitize people about those subjects through education and social experiences from people that have been harassed.

Eva Papantonaki Léa Martel Laurie Veuillot Solène Anger Betty Tsakarestou

