Angeliki Kyriazi
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2021

In order to organize our thoughts and ideas and how they will come to life we, after the guidance of our professor Ms Betty Tsakarestou, created a board on “Miro”. What is “Miro”? It is a website that enables you to see your ideas on a virtual whiteboard. It basically helps the team get the job done.

We divided our project into categories.

-The Basic Idea

Our website “EmploymentKIT”, our blog , our podcast ‘In the Works”

-Our logo, our tagline and our hashtags


#EmploymentKitEu #WearetheFUTUREEu #InTheWorksEu #Let’sDesignOurFutureEu #YouthUnemploymentEu)

-The differentiation points of our project

This is one of the key aspects in our project. We prioritized accessibility, especially to people with disabilities. This is why we provided a transcript in our podcasts so anyone can enjoy them.

-Our target audience

European youth, potential young workers, students.

-Our future participants for our podcast

We have already interviewed young workers, students and overall ambitious people but in the future we aim to talk with even more people from various backgrounds. For example: bosses, psychologists, interns, professional orientation specialists etc. In short, we aim to present the reality of the workplace through personal experiences rather than recycle the negativity that traditional media is showcasing us.

-Our stakeholders

Panteion University and ADandPR Lab

And last but certainly not least,

-the questions we want answered from our audience.

We had quite the debate for these questions. We wanted to test the audience’s knowledge on Youth unemployment and also ask about their experiences in a workfield (or in the search of). Each member of our team came up with 3 questions (some were approved and some weren’t) thanks to that we had a lot of material quickly and we ended up using some of it in the questionnaire, in our in person interviews and a few of them were even included in our podcast!

To learn even more about the results from our questionnaire, the experiences shared in the in person interviews check out our article titled “Understanding our Audience”

And that concludes our MIRO whiteboard. You can see it here and maybe get inspired to create your own in your future projects.

Alone Together Team members: GeorgiannaChondrou, Despoina Fragou, Angeliki Kyriazi, Konstantina Papanikolaou, Angeliki Valeri

