TrackerNet — Our Interviews

Αγγελική Κλήμη
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2021

After highlighting the most important factors for making a social innovation startup, our NGO (Tracker Net) interviewed people whose work is affected by marine pollution. At the same time, we came in contact with people from the field of education.

More specifically, to strengthen our action, we decided to get an interview from the principal of a school. So, we contacted the principal of the 2nd Primary School of Vari, Eirini Passari. The principal willingly answered our questions. It is noteworthy that as she mentioned to us, there are similar programs at the schools regarding the garbage collection from the school or surrounding areas such as the playground.

She also mentioned to us that in her opinion the local community can be involved in activities such as information days, painting exhibitions, or poster making. In short, active participation on the issue since we live in an area near the sea.​ In fact, as she told us, an effective program is one that ensures children’s written expression and the acquisition of ecological consciousness. Things that are important for a child to know from an early age.

We also contacted Christina. A local fisherman of Euboea belonging to the local fisherman’s association. As she told us, the gulf where she usually fishes is clean. Nevertheless, plastics are still present in the sea. As she told us several times, they find plastics in their nets which cause them troubles especially when they are extremely deformed. That is why measures should be taken, not only to alleviate fishermen’s problem but also to better the marine ecosystem. In each case, she stated the devastating consequences a situation like this can have economically as well as mentally ​for fishermen.

Undoubtedly, marine pollution is a very important problem nowadays. It is necessary for the people to raise awareness and contribute to tackling this scourge. That is exactly what we want to achieve through our work and actions.

You can read our interviews here

TrackerNet Team Members: Elisavet Liapi, Vasiliki Arapogiorgi, Billy Mpakas

Our Professor: Betty Tsakarestou

