Wagging Tails! #Animalsos #Dare To Challenge

Angeliki Mouzakiti
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2016

We all see wounded animals on the streets but we don’t do anything to help them. Maybe because we’re afraid, we don’t know where to go for help or simply we don’t want to help them. Many of us also have pets that when they get sick or wounded we don’t know where to go for help. Or we know. There is an emergency hospital for animals at Paiania, Athens. But we might live far away from there. So, what do we do? Well..

Hello there! We are Wagging Tails, a group of four people who want to cure as many animals as they can. Our aim is to create four mobile units at four central regions of Athens in order to make animals’, pets or not, lives much easier. These units will take action at night, when everything is closed. Our thinking is to create an organization which not only consists of people that have dedicated their whole lives in animal care but also charges the least amount of money of any other company of this kind

Our plan is based on Openideo program and its structure. In order for our project to be successful, we went through a three month structure plan where we analyzed and suggested a solution for every difficulty we might face and made contact with every possible source of help we might need from in the future. At the beginning,we wanted to create hospitals. However when we realized how much of a risk this was,we remade our mind into something more realistic,the creation of four independent and mobile animal-care units. We sent questionnaires to people and to vets in order to help us and make us understand how the vets work and the demand of the customers and their pets. Two of us found doctors and volunteers who will help us with our cause. One was occupied with the sponsorship ans the last one with the social medias.

And that’s it! We are ready to cure your wounded or sick animals anytime and anywhere! And don’t be afraid to bring animals you found on streets, too. You will find us on social media!



Angeliki Mouzakiti
Dare to Challenge

Student at Panteion University, Dept. of Communication, Media and Culture, Greece. Books, movies, series, food and travel lover. ~Journalism~