Petros Kappis
Dare to Challenge
Published in
1 min readJan 18, 2016


We have considered a few things about the events we are up to : First of all we decided primary school of Athens. People with knowledge about this matter such as special teachers, people from organisations and football. So they will have the opportunity to express their experiences about the subject and make a constructive discussion with children. Our goal is to sensitise more and more people about our project. Also we would like to organise an event with many guests from the world of sport, athletes or agents. Those people will explain our idea, how important is and finally how we can accomplish our challenge #sportforall #DreamTeam #daretochallenge (part 5)



Petros Kappis
Dare to Challenge

spamradio producer. I am studying journalism comunication-makreting and culture at Panteio University of Athens. Basketball player.