Welcome Trackers,

Vasiliki Arapogiorgi
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2021

We are the Tracker Net, a NGO combating plastic pollution in the seas. We are based in Athens, Greece. Our team is formed by four undergraduate students of Panteion University, Angeliki, Elisavet, Vasilis and Vassiliki. Our actions started in November 2020, during the lockdown in Greece.

In our ever first article in Medium, we want to discuss with you how our interests about the environment lead us creating our NGO. My colleagues and I are deeply concerned about humans’ impact on Earth. With the guidance of United Nations we discovered our main purpose.

Part of UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, launched in 2015, are number 13 about Climate Action and number 14 Life below Water. Based on Goal 13, climate change affected more than 38 million people in 2018 and the investment in fossil fuels, which chemicals make plastic, is higher than the investment in climate activities. In the same time, Goal 14 indicates that the current pandemic reduced human activity to a level in which oceans can recuperate.

Limiting the production of plastic is only the half of what can be done. Though, in a world where plastic is widely used, what we all can do is to make sure it won’t end up where it doesn’t belong. In respect of the environment, marine life and humans we commit that we’ll help to keep the seas clean from plastic.

Keep in touch and follow us via our site, Medium, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to learn more about the journey of Tracker Net.

You can read our complete case study here.

Tracker Net Team Members: Αγγελική Κλήμη, Elisavet Liapi, Billy Mpakas,

Our professor: Betty Tsakarestou



Vasiliki Arapogiorgi
Dare to Challenge

Student of Communication, Media and Culture in Panteion University, Athens, Greece