You can all make a change

Clara N
Dare to Challenge
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2021 Persone vettore creata da freepik

Our label targets men and women of all ages who consume meat. In general, it is also the people who have a consumer reflex to look at the labels affixed to the packaging to better choose their products. Potential customers would be people shopping in supermarkets, but also in markets, or even people who shop directly on the farm. Our target is people who care about animal cause and about ethic in general. They want to support farmers, and they consume ethically, or they want to change their habits.

Thanks to our interviews, we had a more precise idea of who was our target audience. We interviewed 20 meat consumers, and 4 farmers. All answers were very relevant. Regarding the consumers, we divided the audience in 5 different groups. The first category is the “under 18 years old”, the second one is “18–25”, the third “26–35”, then “35–60” and finally “35–60”. People we interviewed between 18 and 25 years old were the most receptive group.

First part on two of our Consumer’s Interviews

Young people eat on average less meat than the elderly. Indeed, these ones eat more meat by habits. However, they will buy their meat more in markets or directly with the farmers, instead of the youngers who will by it in supermarket. Older people will not easily change their ways, but younger people are more opened to change. Indeed, 70% of people are ready to follow our label’s project and would be interested to buy meat in an ethical way thanks to our label.

Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash

Our objective is also to take care of our community. We have chosen to create a label to be close to you. With our interviews, we realised that affixed label were decisive factors in the case if people hesitate between two products. Thanks to our label, you can buy meat ethically, with sustainable agriculture. The people we target genuinely want to consume differently for a variety of reasons, whether for their health, for animals or for the good of the planet. By buying our products, you will also contribute to the work of the farmers who are committed to the environment cause and the well-being of their animals. It is time to establish a real link between consumers and farmers.

Thank you for your time and attention. See you soon with The Okja Project’s team !

Writer: Clara Noblet (4120E002)

Co-writer: Oksana Monteiro Peixoto (4120E004), Amane Brand (4120E003), Justus Stiller (4120E024)

