Write for us

We Are the Dreamers

Welcome to Dare to Dream, a publication challenging you to embark on the adventure of your life.

Vincent Van Patten
Dare to Dream
Published in
5 min readSep 10, 2020


Who We Are

Our dreams are often put on hold because society rewards being realistic and reasonable.

Only after we achieve traditional success metrics such as a secure job can we afford to think about what makes us feel alive.

Sadly, many of us die having never really lived. Some of us, however, refuse to settle for an ordinary life.

We Dare to Dream of living a life we truly love while striving to put a dent in the universe.

This publication is for the dreamers.

What We Do

We’re here to inspire others through our words and actions by questioning the norms and paving our own way.

We’re here to share all that lights our souls on fire — the extraordinary and the seemingly mundane, the beautiful as well as the imperfect.

Because hey, we’re far from perfect. Our mission is to connect through our imperfections, as that’s what makes life worth living.

If you feel a connection to our mission as human beings who find joy in living, learning, and



Vincent Van Patten
Dare to Dream

Exploring what lights my soul on fire ❤️‍🔥 Living in Japan. vincentvanpatten.com