Bigfoot Caught Bragging About the #DARE Challenge Again

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2 min readApr 1, 2019

This friggin’ ape. Or man. Or half ape, half man. Bigfoot.

He’s always bragging about this or that. “Oh, I caught a deer with my bare hands” or “I haven’t been

seen since 1931.” Nobody likes a braggart.

The latest issue with Mr. Squatch is that he’s been trolling everybody on social media about this

#DARE challenge.

Yes, the #DARE challenge is awesome. Sure, it’s fun. Sure, it can earn you money (or, NerdCoins as

we call them)…but Bigfoot has taken this thing to a whole different level.

Here are just a few examples of what Bigfoot has been up to:

1. Bigfoot was challenged to dress up like a fairy princess and go frolicking through a

neighborhood. He did it. He posted the video on Instagram.

2. He posted a photo of himself driving a school bus. What?!

3. Video has surfaced of him calling his ex-girlfriend (Mother Nature) and singing her the 1987

pop hit “I Need You Tonight” by INXS.

If Bigfoot is having this much fun, imagine how much fun you can make social media again.

No more endless scrolling down your feed hoping to catch a glimpse of your friends doing something

actually interesting.

Challenge your friends. Challenge your family. Hell, even challenge some mythological creatures.

Make social media fun again.

The challenge is up to you. If Bigfoot can do it, anyone can.

