Arena Master, the next NFT game, to launch its IGO on DarePlay

Hai Tranipc
Published in
4 min readMay 6, 2022

DarePlay has witnessed an ever-exciting time in Q1, 2022. We have launched 4 successful IGOs in the first quarter of this year, which were $DPL, $MST, $ANM, and $GAE.

Aiming to bring out another great quarter with many quality IGOs/IDOs on DarePlay, we would like to introduce you to the next IGO, Arena Master (token ticker: $AMT).

Introducing Arena Master

Arena Master is no stranger to the DareNFT community. If you have followed our channels closely, you must be aware of the NFT game as one of DareNFT’s recent gaming partners and members in the DareNFT ecosystem.

Project review

Arena Master is a skill-based matchmaking game combining Play-to-Win and Play-to-Earn modes. The game aims to provide a real-life gaming experience for people in the gaming domain, blockchain technology and the world as a whole The Game was developed under the memorandum of game development studio Sambrela and Game xChange

Arena Master players will be rewarded with tokens for winning PVP and PVE battles, participating in tournaments, staking and engaging referrals. Arena Master is an innovative project which can be considered as an opportunity for investment and HIGH-value mobile game with creative concepts.

A typical screen of Arena Master

Arena Masters ecosystem is based on a decentralized and automated algorithm that rewards players according to rankings in tournaments, PvP matches, gaming asset trading, and staking native tokens to provide liquidity. The ranking is determined by experience levels acquired through battles and how well a character’s skill set has grown. However, PvP matches do not receive as many XP points as tournaments, as their stakes are not as high.

Arena Master has an impressive network of partners, including SAMBRELA, Cheesus, Game x Change, Coinracer, Evolution land, Bot Planet, Sphere DAO and Enjin

The utility of $AMT token

$AMT, the native token of Arena Master, plays many roles in the NFT game model.

Payments: These tokens can be used to purchase gear, equipment, or exchange for fiat currency on the platform if you want to.

Play to earn rewards: Players of Arena Master are rewarded with Arena tokens after every battle, tournament, power up, or achievement of the milestone.

DeFi and NFT: $AMT token holders can participate in staking/farming to earn rewards.

This token is used for many purposes outside the Arena Master platform, so it possesses a reasonable degree of the off-chain transaction value. This means that transactions with this token have lower fees and better anonymity rates than other tokens solely dependent on on-chain transactions. In addition, they are executed or exchanged instantly, and collation errors are limited in use.

  • Token Name: Arena Master
  • Ticker: AMT
  • Total supply: 100,000,000 $AMT
  • Standard: BEP-20
  • Network: Binance Smart Chain
  • Seed Sale & Private Sale: 1500,000 $AMT — $5000,000 $AMT
  • IGO volume & Price: TBA

$AMT token tokenomics

$AMT token distribution

$AMT IGO on DarePlay

We’re planning to open 3 pools of $AMT IGO on DarePlay

  • DP Holders Pool (….link): For DP Holders and follows DareLaunch v2 model. To get DP, you must stake $DNFT on DareFarm or add liquidity to $DNFT-BNB pair on Pancakeswap to get LP token then stake LP token on DareFarm. DareFarm link:
  • Whitelist Pool: For whitelist winners and winners of pre-IGO competitions & activities (AMA, Quiz & Quiz, etc)
  • Community Pool: For anyone, there’s no condition to join, and allocation per address will be a fixed small amount

The value of each Pool and the timeline of the IGO are TBA. We’ll disclose this information in the upcoming days.

About Arena Master

Arena Master is an innovative project which can be considered as an opportunity for investment and HIGH-value mobile game with creative concepts including tokens, tournaments, earnings with staking

Learn more about Arena Master:

Website | Telegram group | Twitter | Reddit

About DareNFT

DareNFT is the universal NFT 2.0 protocol for Digital Assets. The mainstream adoption of NFTs depends on their ability to wholly reflect the benefits of digital assets. DareNFT has developed a suite of products that solve the current problems of NFT 1.0, which are: Unrecognized benefits between NFTs, Unrecognized relationship between NFT owners, and hidden risks of NFT Ownership. Our first product is DarePlay, the GameFi platform offering INO & IGO launchpad for NFT games, Rent-to-Earn and Lease-to-Earn marketplaces for in-game items NFT, and an NFTifying service for non-NFT games, so-called NFT-as-a-Service. We have plans to move further with the derivative NFT content platform after our first product has been completely built and well-positioned in the market.

Learn more about DareNFT:

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Hai Tranipc

DareNFT's content writer, a crypto enthusiast who holds a strong belief in the potential of blockchain technology and Cryptocurrency.