DareNFT’s weekly report (9/20–9/26): to gain global exposure, progress the development execution and brace for the IDO day.

Hai Tranipc
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2021

Another progressing week for DareNFT towards IDO and the release of their first MVP DarePlay. Ups and downs through the week, though sometimes there are a few minor hiccups, the whole team successfully managed to work things out and achieve targets as planned. The strategic and private sale rounds were approaching their closures. The product development progress was quickly accelerated. Key strategies for community enhancement were implemented.

We now look forward to embarking on a new week, filled with more fruitful results and achievements. Before moving forwards, let’s spend a few minutes and look back at what we have achieved lately.

Product Development

Our MVP DarePlay is just around the corner!

DarePlay allows minting in-game NFT assets and displaying NFTs on the rental marketplace. Gamers of non-NFT-games will be able to own NFTs displayed on their Metamask; the NFTs are minted from weapons, monsters, etc of the games in which users are playing. Along with that, they can rent-to-earn unused in-game NFT items.

Let’s look at the progress towards making DareNFT’s first MVP:

And below are some mockups of the MVP:

Partnership & Community

In the 3rd week of September, DareNFT was featured on many Vietnamese and international channels, generating a lot of favorable publicity among the crypto community and market.

Partnership: Our first MVP DarePlay has just welcomed a new NFT game partner Planet Sandbox, the ultimate third-person NFT sandbox game that powers players with limitless building tools to customize their own worlds and design game modes that will bring their in-game NFTs to DarePlay. Our GameFi platform, which is also the first bootstrap product of DareNFT, offers a marketplace where Planet Sandbox’s NFT owners can list their in-game assets and go on peer-to-peer exchange of the assets, as well as rent or lease them from one another. For more detail, please click: here.

Featuring: In Vietnam, DareNFT is now one of the most desirable crypto projects whose TGE will be launched in just a matter of weeks. Posts and discussions relating to DareNFT have appeared all over the most active Telegram communities in Vietnam (e.g.,TradeCoinVietnam, Black Mamba Ventures, Cryptoholding, Cryptoholic, Space Crypto, CryptoChecker, Crypto Alpha Moon, CMC Capital, Titan Ventures, etc).

Non-Vietnamese posts on DareNFT bring us global exposure and what we achieved last week was merely the proliferation of news-sharing tweets and reviewing articles on DareNFT written in English, Russian, Indonesia, etc. In total, there were more than 100 non-Vietnamese posts sharing news or writing about DareNFT on both Twitter and Telegram in the last week.

New Backers

Our Strategic Sale is now closed. The Private sale is now also oversubscribed and we are in the process of choosing the best partners who can be with us not just in the short term but also over the long haul.

DareNFT has been invested by LuaVentures, a newfound venture investment fund, under the direct management of a TomoChain Lab. LuaVentures has invested in many successful projects, namely: Coin98, Wanakafarm, Impossible Finance, Rikkei Finance and Delta Exchange. Now they are placing their trust in DareNFT. More detail, please click here.

The list will go on as more deals will be closed next week.

Our best wishes for a productive week. Send any comments or suggestions to contact@darenft.com. To get yourself updated with our daily news, please join us on the telegram group, follow our Twitter and read more on medium and website. This weekly report was brought to you by Tommy Nguyen (CMO) and Jason Le (CSO).

About DareNFT

DareNFT is the universal NFT 2.0 protocol for Digital Assets. The mainstream adoption of NFT depends on its ability to wholly reflect the benefits of digital assets. DareNFT has developed a suite of products that solve the current problems of NFT 1.0, which are: Unrecognized benefits between NFTs, Unrecognized relationship between NFT owners, and hidden risks of NFT Ownership. Our first product is DarePlay, the GameFi platform including a blockchain gaming launchpad for non-NFT games, an IGO service as well a Rent-to-Earn and Lease-to-Earn marketplaces for in-game items NFT. We have had plans to move further with the derivative NFT content platform after our first product has been completely built and well positioned in the market.

Learn more about DareNFT:

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Hai Tranipc

DareNFT's content writer, a crypto enthusiast who holds a strong belief in the potential of blockchain technology and Cryptocurrency.