What Is That? Ketuanan Melayu

Erin Cook
Dari Mulut ke Mulut
1 min readNov 26, 2017

Ketuanan Melayu is a political ideology found in Malaysia which argues the dominance of Malay culture based on an ethno-nationalist claim to the land and a history predating colonialism and mass migration. The concept has long existed but rose to prominence in the 2000s amid culture wars fought over ethnic lines which challenged the traditional ethnic pecking order. It is a core tenet of the ruling United Malays National Organisation party.

Further reading:

Ketuanan Melayu: What’s in a name? — Joseph Chinyong Liow for the Straits Times reflects on the ‘myth making’ intrinsic to the concept (2015)

Pak Lah explains meaning of ‘ketuanan Melayu’ — an uncomfortable explanation from then PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (2008)

‘Ketuanan Melayu’? What is it? — a great explainer piece via a letter to the editors of Free Malaysia Today (2012)

‘Ketuanan Melayu’ makes us look like fools internationally — Commentary piece from Zan Azlee (2017)

(Photo via Flickr under creative commons)



Erin Cook
Dari Mulut ke Mulut

Jakarta-based journalist, Southeast Asia with a strong focus on Indonesia and the Philippines. http://www.imerincook.com/